Page 72
Volume 7, Issue 7 (Suppl)
J Obes Weight Loss Ther, an open access journal
Obesity & Fitness Expo 2017
November 13-15, 2017
November 13-15, 2017 | Atlanta, USA
World Fitness Expo
International Conference and Exhibition on
Obesity & Weight Management
Tradition of physical training and fitness
Paramvir Singh
Punjabi University, India
ife needs an activity or the activity as if it symbolizes or recognizes existence of life. Physical activity, physical training and
physical fitness all deals with same biological structure of human beings but behave differently for health, for competition
and for peak performance. The tradition behind these subjects came across a long- path of evolution behind which objectives of
optimization, competence and perfection have been taken-up and also achieved. The difference among different populations and
ethnic groups about these traditions has been formalized according to the need and geography of different regions of earth. In
ancient times the aims and objectives have been differently managed and in present time the similar aims and objectives have been
differently modernized. Interestingly scholars and trainers modulate various formulations to achieve the specialized concerns of
higher perfections. Talking about contents of activity, fitness and training the health components viz. Body composition, flexibility,
strength etc. Fitness components viz. endurance, speed, power etc. and training perfection components viz. balance, co-ordination,
reaction time etc. have been highlighted and different perfection peaks have been achieved. After the onset of industrialization and
more specifically discovery of sophisticated techniques, has reduced the mechanical work burden on the human body. The resultant
of which emerged as a health hazard with multi-facet and multi-organ problems like diabetes, obesity, hypokinetic diseases and
many severe pathologies which slowly damages the human body evenly and evolutionary. The need of the hour is to re-establish the
tradition of activity, fitness and training among the masses instead of only sportive population. In this regard physical activity and
training should be pronounced through the traditional wisdom variants at various places, so that the beauty of ethnic traditional
wisdom of activity, training and preservation of human health and competitive concerns is maintained.
Paramvir Singh was born in 1972, currently serves as a Professor (Faculty of Medicine) under Dept. of Sports Science in Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab. He is the
President of National Health Fitness Association; also member of Punjab Academy of Sciences & Indian Science Congress.
tparamvir@yahoo.comParamvir Singh, J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2017, 7:7 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7904-C1-54