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Volume 7, Issue 7 (Suppl)
J Obes Weight Loss Ther, an open access journal
Obesity & Fitness Expo 2017
November 13-15, 2017
November 13-15, 2017 | Atlanta, USA
World Fitness Expo
International Conference and Exhibition on
Obesity & Weight Management
How implement a lifestyle nutrition metabolic weight loss & counseling program specific for your clinical
philosophy and patient demographic
Statement of the Problem:
Traditional approaches to nutritional counseling to instruct patients have typically incorporated
generic pharmaceutical diet sheets and generic meal plans which can be overwhelming, too restrictive and have poor patient
compliance. The prevalence of hyperlipidemias, insulin resistance, weight gain, obesity, pre-diabetes, fatigue, CAD arthritis
and cancer are negatively impacted by a poor diet. 2 As practitioners we are faced with contradictory research, nutritional
counseling is typically time consuming and it can be difficult to determine the best approach to instruct patients with long term
effectiveness that incorporates lifestyle, metabolism 3, body composition, activity level, food preferences, behavior modification
and not just exclusively rely on medications, hormones, meal replacements and/or diet supplements.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
A step by step approach to introducing or elevating a lifestyle nutrition metabolic
counseling program for you community demographic fossing with healthy real food. This approach along with exercise has
helped decrease insulin resistance, hyperlipidemias, fatigue and diabetes, cardiac and cancer risk factors and significantly
decreases hunger, appetite and fatigue. Patients are motivated to incorporate lifestyle modificatins and respect a Non-dieting
approach to weight loss and disease mangement and prevention. Clients are substantially more motivated and receptive to
learn how to properly balance their blood sugars rather than just counting calories or dieting
Conclusion & Significance:
4. Customizing a low glycemic nutritional program specific for your patients, food preferences,
lifestyle and metabolism improves patient compliance, improved satiety, metabolism and decreases incidence for relapse and
weight gain 5, 6. Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Counseling Programs, market well within communities and are less costly to
patients and more profitable for their owners.
Christopher Fuzy, MS, RD, LD is the Founder and President of Lifestyle Nutrition Inc. and
PhysicianWellnessProgram.com(for Doctors),
Patients) has a Master’s Degree in Clinical & Sports Nutrition, undergraduate degrees in Dietetics and Chemistry from Florida State University and currently has
private nutritional counseling offices in Ft. Lauderdale and Boca Raton, FL. Over the past 27 years, he has trained over 900 physicians nationwide in the implemen-
tation of his Lifestyle Nutrition Metabolic Counseling Program®. Mr. Fuzy was Chief Clinical Nutritionist at Plantation General Hospital before starting his company
in 1990.
nutritionist@PhysicianWellnessProgram.comChristopher Fuzy
Lifestyle Nutrition Inc, USA
Christopher Fuzy, J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2017, 7:7 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7904-C1-54