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Volume 6, Issue 1 (Suppl)

J Nurs Care

ISSN: 2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal

Nursing Global 2017

March 01-02, 2017

March 01-02, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands




Nursing & Healthcare

Transcultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of an Arabic version of patient satisfaction with

nursing care quality questionnaire

Alaa AlBashayreh, Omar M Al-Rawajfah, Huda Al-Awaisi, Suja Karkada, Sulaiman D AlSabei

Sultan Qaboos University, Oman


uality measures are central to the concept of quality improvement in healthcare and patient satisfaction with nursing care quality

(PSNCQ) is considered a reliable measure for assessing and improving the overall quality of healthcare. In Oman and the

Middle East, there is a lack of useful scales which can be utilized in measuring and reporting PSNCQ in an Arabic context. This

absence of valid and reliable quality measures limits research and publication in this particular area. The purpose of this study is to

perform transcultural adaptation and psychometric evaluation of an Arabic version of the PSNCQ questionnaire. A cross-sectional,

methodological design was employed and a sample of 292 adult patients admitted in a tertiary hospital in Oman was utilized.

Data were collected from January through March, 2016, using a secure online survey method. The mean score of PSNCQ was 72.3

(standard deviation 12.9). Internal consistency of the scale was satisfactory with a Cronbach's α of .96. The item-level content validity

index ranged from .83 to 1, and the scale-level content validity index was .98. Evidence of construct validity was obtained (convergent

and divergent validity). Exploratory factor analysis revealed a single factor solution, explaining 63.3% of the variance. Overall, this

study provided a 17-item, Likert-scaled self-reporting instrument which is psychometrically sound for its content, comprehension,

readability and practicality, to measure PSNCQ in an Arabic context.


Alaa AlBashayreh is a Lecturer of Nursing at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat-Oman. He completed his MSc in Nursing Administration at Jordan University of

Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan, in 2010. His research interests include “Nursing education and mixed-method research on nursing leadership, management,

preparedness, transition to practice, nurse working conditions, job outcomes, nursing sensitive indicators, healthcare quality and safety outcomes”.

Alaa AlBashayreh et al., J Nurs Care 2017, 6:1 (Suppl)