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Volume 6, Issue 1 (Suppl)

J Nurs Care

ISSN: 2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal

Nursing Global 2017

March 01-02, 2017

March 01-02, 2017 Amsterdam, Netherlands




Nursing & Healthcare


Relationship between nurse’s professional behavior and organizational culture and commitment in

hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences

Alice Khachian

Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Background & Aim

: Nurses are the largest and most important human resource for health care organizations, community health

promotion is important. The healthcare system, especially the members of the nurses who are active in completely different culture

conditions is of utmost importance. Professional nursing is one of the factors involved in the professional, cultural and organizational

commitment. Strong and positive culture in the organization can accept nurses to better interact with colleagues and ultimately

provide satisfaction in completing tasks and organizational objectives to be followed. The success of the organization depends on

the members and staff. Recently, researchers believe that professional commitment and organizational structures necessarily are

contradictory and are not incompatible, but can significantly correlate with each other. The purpose of this study was to determine

the relationship between nurse’s professional behavior and organizational culture and commitment in hospitals affiliated to Iran

University of Medical Sciences.


: This study was a cross-sectional descriptive correlation that aims to give community nurses in the hospitals affiliated to Iran

University of Medical Sciences. In this study, after obtaining the necessary and ethical permits, stratified samplings with proportional

allocation of qualified nurses (200 nurses) were selected. For the study of four self-constructed questionnaire on demographic data,

Goz professional behavior, organizational culture and organizational commitment of Allen and Meyer were used. The questionnaire

was completed by nurses to self-report method and duration of response to the questionnaires was about 20-30 minutes, the nurses

were empowered to complete the questionnaire within 48 hours and returned to the researcher. After collecting the data and data

entry into SPSS version 21 were analyzed. In order to achieve specific objectives and answer the research questions, descriptive

statistics such as mean and standard tables and the central indices of dispersion such as standard deviation and Pearson correlation

test was used.


: Professional nurses’ mean score 108/98±17/41, organizational culture mean’ score 42/56±17/32 and organizational

commitment 97/94±8/66 was obtained. Between professional behavior and organizational culture, there was no significant

relationship (p-value=0/706) and only subscale attention to detail and professional behavior was obtained as there was a direct

relationship between statistical significance (p-value=0/032). There was no significant relationship between professional behavior

and organizational commitment (p-value=0/152) and statistically significant relationship was directly observed only between the

normative and professional behavior (p-value=0/007).


: As a conclusion, nurses working in hospitals affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences did not show statistically

significant relationship between professional behavior, organizational culture and commitment .


Alice Khachian is an Assistant Professor and Faculty Member at Iran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. She completed her Under-graduate and Master studies in

Nursing at Esfahan University of Medical Sciences as Medical Surgical Nursing Instructor. She has been involved in nursing education since 1997 at Iran University

of Medical Sciences as Faculty Member and she completed her PhD Nursing Education in 2012. Her professional activities are based on Clinical Education,

Orthopedic Nursing, Nursing Education and Management. She is also a member of Academic Consultant Committee, member of Nursing Organization of Iran as

Scientific Consultant.

Alice Khachian, J Nurs Care 2017, 6:1 (Suppl)