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Volume 6, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Nurs Care

ISSN: 2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal

Nursing Edu 2017

May 22- 24, 2017

May 22- 24, 2017 Osaka, Japan



World Nursing

Education Conference

Cognitive behavioral therapy with 5 session in adolescent after flood disaster garut indonesia

Uray Fretty Hayati, Sari Fatimah, Ai Mardhiyah

Padjadjaran University, Indonesia


ognitive behavioral therapy with 5 session in adolescent after flood disaster garut Indonesia is once research about effectiveness

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy among adolescent in Indonesia. Based on several studies that have been done before, CBT therapy

is given as much as 10-12 sessions in adolescents. This is very different from the CBT study ever conducted in Indonesia that CBT

is given in just 5 sessions in adults. So researchers need to prove the effectiveness of CBT as much as 5 sessions among adolescents

after flood disaster on Garut Indonesia. The Author evaluated the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with 5 sessions

among adolescents after flood disaster Garut Indonesia. This research uses Quasi Experimental Design using pretest-posttest design

approach. Of the 63 among adolescents were traumatized screening. Subjects selected 19 adolescents with symptoms of PTSD (post

traumatic stress disorder) according to the CPSS instrument (The Child PTSD Symptom Scale). Individual CBT therapy with 5

sessions for 2 times a week. After that re-evaluated with CPSS instrument and then analyzed paired T test.The results was the severity

of posttraumatic stress symptoms decreased significantly after CBT in adolescents (p< 0,05). The author findings show that CBT with

5 sessions can also be given as many as 5 sessions among adolescents.


Uray Fretty Hayati is candidate master of nursing from Padjadjaran University Indonesia. She is being a nurse of Dr.Soedarso 11 years.

Uray Fretty Hayati, J Nurs Care 2017, 6:3 (Suppl)