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Volume 6, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Nurs Care

ISSN: 2167-1168 JNC, an open access journal

Nursing Edu 2017

May 22- 24, 2017

May 22- 24, 2017 Osaka, Japan



World Nursing

Education Conference

The postoperative nursing case for modified Charles’ procedure for lower limb lymphedema

Chi-Wen Huang

China Medical University Hospital, Taiwan


ymphedema include congenital or secondary types. The latter is related to infection, trauma or cancer treatment with surgery or

radiotherapy. The accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the subcutaneous tissue causes lymphedema and hypertrophy, increased

risk of inflammation, tissue fibrosis and decreased quality of life. The modified Charles’ procedure has indicated severe lymphedema

and the nursing care after operation had not been clearly described. After the modified Charles’ procedure, the goals of nursing

include prevention of scar hypertrophy, infection, cellulitis and skin care which are challenging issues for patients and their family.

Proper management can reduce the rate of subsequent hospitalization. In this study, the data of 35 patients who underwent the

modified Charles’ procedure for lower limb lymphedema were drawn from the medical records between 2010 and 2014. The outcomes

were evaluated after 1 year. During hospitalization, the wound was treated by a special nurse according to our protocol until skin

graft is taken. Then the patients were discharged for continuous care. The patients and their family were educated according to our

instructions. In the result, the rate of recurrent infection was 28% which required admission. The rate of verrucous hyperkeratosis was

8%. The rate of regrafting was 22%. However, after modified Charles’ procedure, good postoperative care is critical for good results.


Chi-Wen Huang has completed her Master’s degree from China Medical University of Basic Medical Sciences. She is currently working at China Medical University

Hospital, International Medical Service Center. She has been a Nurse for 10 years.

Chi-Wen Huang, J Nurs Care 2017, 6:3 (Suppl)