Page 63
Volume 7, Issue 5
J Nov Physiother, an open access journal
ISSN: 2165-7025
Novel Physio 2017
August 21-22, 2017
International Conference and Expo on
August 21-22, 2017 | Birmingham, UK
Novel Physiotherapies
J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:5(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-018
Constraint-induced movement therapy combined with botulinum-A toxin injection as a novel
rehabilitation approach for patients after stroke: Strategy and mechanism
M Nasb
Jilin University, China
troke is considered as one of the main causes of adult disability and the second most serious cause of death worldwide.
Combination between constraint-inducedmovement therapy (CIMT) and botulinum toxin type A (BTX) injection emerged
as a highly efficient intervention for rehabilitation patients after stroke. This is owing to their unique ability onto simultaneous
improvement of motor function along with less tendency to spasticity. However, utilization of CIMT with BTX injection in
rehabilitation and/or their mechanism hadn’t been hitherto highlighted. This review presents a comprehensive study of this
area of research including definition, mechanism, therapeutic effects and combination evidence which can consequently be a
strong road-map for policy-makers, Researchers, and Physicians.