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Volume 7, Issue 5
J Nov Physiother, an open access journal
ISSN: 2165-7025
Novel Physio 2017
August 21-22, 2017
International Conference and Expo on
August 21-22, 2017 | Birmingham, UK
Novel Physiotherapies
J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:5(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-018
Implementing early mobilization program in HGH MICU by the HGH rehabilitation services
Fatma Hamed Almulla, Mohamed Aleef, Jose Jr. Uy, Manju Mathew, Muhammed Haneef, Mohammad Arshad
Jameela Al Ajmi
Qatar Rehabilitation Institute, Qatar
e aim to improve process of early mobilization of all pneumonia cases admitted to MICU through implementation of
this program. We will ensure that all MICU pneumonia cases are referred to physiotherapy within 24 hour of admission
and safety will be maintained during mobilization, therefore reducing MICU length of stay will improve patient/relative
satisfaction. The main goal of this study includes: decreasing referral time of MICU pneumonia cases to physiotherapy from
7 days to 2 days by August 2016 and percentage compliance of all the PTs for early mobilization from 33% to 100% by the end
of August 2016. The PDSAs list which is currently following are: increasing compliance of physiotherapist to early mobility
checklist, improving compliance of MICU physicians to early referral to physiotherapy, effectiveness of individual therapist vs.
multiple therapist during patient’s mobilization and educating the physiotherapists/nurses about mobility methods for MICU
patients. We have reduced the length of stay after implementing the early mobility program in MICU, HGH from 11 days to
4 days, increased the percentage of patients referred from physician to physiotherapists in MICU, HGH from 28% to 82% out
of total admission of pneumonia cases. The days between patient admitted to MICU and referred to physiotherapist between
Jan-Aug 2016 median is 8 days to 2 days and we have received 100% of referrals within 24 hours in MICU for all pneumonia
cases. As the next step, we will continue monitoring the LOS and referrals, spread this to all HMC ICUs as a mobility guideline
and we will continue testing early mobilization and getting referral within 24 hrs.