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Volume 6, Issue 6 (Suppl)
OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-7964
Neuroradiology 2017
October 30 to November 01, 2017
October 30 to November 01, 2017 | San Antonio, USA
International Conference on
Neuroscience, Neuroimaging & Interventional Radiology
Neuroradiological images of five selected intracranial tumors encountered in our practice
Uduma Felix U
University of Uyo, Nigeria
There are diverse intracranial tumors and many of them are known to have some salient diagnostic features in neuro
The aim of this study is to emphasizing some neuroradiological pictorial diagnostic features of certain intracranial tumors.
Image Presentations:
Case-1: Brain MRI of a 60 year old woman who presented with headache and tongue weakness showed that the
clivus has been replaced by a T1W isointense and T2W hyperintense soft tissue mass with heterogenous enhancement. A diagnosis
of chordoma was made. Case-2: A 15 year old male presented with headache and abnormal gait. Brain MRI showed T1W isointense
solid infratentorial mass in the right cerebellar peduncle with a hypointense necrotic centre. This mass compresses and displaces
the fourth ventricle to the left. Only the solid component enhanced (Medulloblastoma). Case-3: A 51 year old male presented with
right unilateral sensori-neural hearing loss and disequilibrium. Brain MRI showed extracanalicular right cerebellopontine angle
soft tissue T1W isointense , T2W hyperintense and enhancing mass (acoustic neuroma). Case-4: A 55 year old female presented
with persistent headache. Brain MRI showed a convexity T1W hypointense and T2W hyperintense frontal parafalcine soft tissue
mass without surrounding oedema (Meningioma). Case-5: A 52 year old male presented with occassional loss of consciousness and
severe headache. Brain CT showed extensive right cerebral edema with effacement of ipsilateral lateral ventricle. Enhanced CT image
revealed a ring enhancing lesion in the right fronto-parietal cerebral lobes with surrounding hypodense cytotoxic oedema. (glioma
We have carefully selected five intracranial tumors of diverse locations to highlight the import of neuroimaging in
diagnosis. These tumors are intracranial chordoma (a parasellar tumor), medulloblastoma (infratentorial tumor), acoustic neuroma
(cerebello-pontine angle tumor), meningioma (a predominantly convexity tumor) and glioma multiforme (supratentorial tumor).
Uduma Felix U, MB.BCh, FWACS, FICS is a senior Lecturer in Department Of Radiology,in Faculty Of Clinical Sciences, College Of Health Sciences, University of Uyo,
Nigeria. He is the Head of Department of Radiology in University of Nigeria. He is a former Adjunct Lecturer in Madonna University, Nigeria and also a former Consultant
Radiologist, Polyclinic Bonanjo, Douala, Cameroon. Dr. Uduma is a member of Medical Advisory Board in University of Uyo teaching hospital, Nigeria. He is also an asso-
ciate Editor of many journals including West African Journal of Radiology. He has published not less than 30 articles.
felixuduma@yahoo.comUduma Felix U, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:6, (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-018