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Volume 6, Issue 6 (Suppl)
OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-7964
Neuroradiology 2017
October 30 to November 01, 2017
October 30 to November 01, 2017 | San Antonio, USA
International Conference on
Neuroscience, Neuroimaging & Interventional Radiology
Role of contrast enhanced ultrasound guidance in core needle biopsy for diagnosis of cervical tuberculous
mycobacterial lymphadenitis
Dan Zhao
Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital, China
o investigate the role of core-needle biopsy (CNB) guided by contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) played in the diagnosis
for cervical tuberculous mycobacterial lymphadenitis (TML). One hundred and seventy one lymph nodes in 171 patients with
pathological confirmation of TML were retrospectively enrolled. All had undergone CNB before the final surgery. The patients were
assigned to either conventional ultrasound guided CNB group (n=87) or CEUS guided CNB group (n=84). The comparison of two
groups on diagnostic efficacy in terms of sensitivity was statistically made. Subgroup analyses on lymph node size were performed
furthermore. Among the 171 patients, one hundred and forty one patients were directly diagnosed to be TML in CNB, which were
consisted by 77 patients in CEUS- guided CNB group and 64 patients in conventional ultrasound guided CNB group. The sensitivities
were 91.7% (77/84) and 73.6% (64/87), respectively (p<0.05). As to subgroup analyses, differences among sensitivities caused by the
two guiding methods were significant in medium size group (i.e. diameter was 2.0-3.0 cm) and large size group (i.e. diameter was
larger than 3.0 cm), 93.1% for CEUS group vs. 74.2% for conventional ultrasound group (p<0.05) and 85.7% for CEUS group vs.
57.1% for conventional ultrasound group (p<0.05), respectively. However, no significant difference was found in small size group (i.e.
diameter was smaller than 2.0 cm) (96.3% for CEUS group vs. 92.9% for conventional ultrasound group, p=0.57). Comparing with
conventional ultrasound guided CNB, further benefits could be gained through CEUS guided CNB in TML diagnosis, especially for
those whose diameter was larger than 2.0 cm.
Dan Zhao has completed his Bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University School of Medicine in 2005. And then he has been working as an Ultrasound Physician in Hang-
zhou Red Cross Hospital. Now, he is a graduate student of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and will complete his Master’s degree in June 2019. He is major in
Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine.
zjuzhaodan@163.comDan Zhao, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:6, (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-018