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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

J Neurol Neurophysiol

ISSN: 2155-9562 JNN, an open access journal

Neurology 2017

March 27-29, 2017

March 27-29, 2017 Madrid, Spain



World Congress on

Neurology and Therapeutics

Selma Pelaez, J Neurol Neurophysiol 2017, 8:2 (Suppl)

Innovation in the physiotherapy treatment of Parkinson’s disease

Selma Pelaez

UManresa-FUB, Spain


arkinson is a disease characterized by four cardinal signs: Bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor and postural instability. The traditional

treatment was based on gait re-education due to the slow movement pattern and short steps that increases the risk of falling and

this fact leads to work the balance and compensatory strategies to prevent it. Commonly, referral to physiotherapy is done once the

disease has progressed enough to lead the patient to fall. Nevertheless, innovations in physiotherapy are among others related to the

new evidence-based PD warrior developed by Melissa MacConaghy for stages I/II in Parkinson’s disease (PD). The core principles of

this recent physiotherapy treatment define how the exercises to-do have to be tailored; thus, the main characteristics are amplitude/

power, fun, specific, high effort, frequency and meaningfulness. Amplitude works as an effective element to reduce bradykinesia

and also drives patients to perform activities symmetrically. Another intrinsic element of the different exercises is the required high

effort throughout the session. The physiotherapist has the responsibility to encourage patients to get the maximum energy in each

exercise because this fact alters cortical hyper-excitability what may help to push the disease back. The frequency of attending the

sessions enhances the skill acquisition and improves the cognitive state of the patient as well as making the exercises fun, dynamic

and attractive motivates the patients to perform and follow-up the treatment. Finally, meaningful activities empower the linkage of

the patients to the treatment because they would see improvements in functional tasks of their daily life; thus, a relevant goal setting

is crucial in the design of the session along with increasing the complexity of the tasks with the objective of driving neuroplasticity,

assisting with retention, skill acquisition and other characteristics. Therefore, physiotherapy can contribute to diminish or hopefully,

stop the progression of this disease by fighting against the symptoms of PD through an exercise program, education of the patients,

behavior change towards the disease and peer support. Similarly, LSVT BIG and John Argue Method are recent techniques which can

be taken into account because they may share common aims in PD’s therapy.


Selma Pelaez has completed her Msc in Neurorehabilitation from the University of Nottingham, UK. She is working in a unit where patients are mainly affected by

dementia, Alzheimer and ictus. Additionally, she is one of the members of a project called “Theraschool” in which therapy for children is performed at the school.

Her main aims are to explore the areas and environments, in which a neurophysiotherapist can work, and to nourish her knowledge in different settings and to be

involved in research in Neurorehabilitation.