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Volume 7, Issue 4 (Suppl)
J Nephrol Ther 2017
ISSN: 2161-0959 JNT, an open access journal
Nephrology & Urology 2017
July 06-07, 2017
Nephrology & Urology
HRT-free management of premature andropause with advanced organ-specific peptide therapy
Dmitry Klokol
Stellar Biomolecular Research, Germany
European Wellness Academy, Germany
anagement of early andropause is one of the important issues in andrology. Early or premature andropause is associated
with such symptoms as loss of libido andmorning penile erection, erectile dysfunction, demonstration of low testosterone
levels, and ultimately male infertility. Needless to mention that reduction of sexual hormonal expression plays a pivotal role
in aging process. Genetics, previous illnesses, certain medical procedures, and environmental factors are the leading etiologic
factors of premature andropause development. Premature andropause is often responsible for cognitive decline, dyslipidemia,
diabetes, obesity, fatigue, and loss of muscle bulk. Biochemical signs of premature andropause are reduction of basal and free
testosterone levels at 15% or more below normal range. Conventionally this condition is treated with testosterone replacement
therapy. However, testosterone replacement may carry risk of cardiac hypertrophy, prostate hyperplasia and aggravate
symptoms in men with prostate cancer. The objective of this study was to assess efficacy of biohormonal therapy using a
combination of organ-specific peptides-extracts (Mito Organelles™, SBI, MF+, Germany) from hypothalamus, pituitary gland,
adrenals, testicles and liver as a safer alternative to the testosterone replacement. The duration of the treatment is 4 months
and does not require continuous prolonged drug intake. Organ-specific peptide therapy has high efficacy rate with no adverse
reactions observed. Most of the patients had dramatic improvement of symptoms and increase of testosterone levels. None
of the observed patients had need in further testosterone replacement. Obtained preliminary results are promising and such
therapeutic approach needs further studies and evaluation of late results and outcomes.
Dmitry Klokol, upon completion of Medical Degree and further specialization in General Surgery has proceeded with PhD in Surgery in Institute of Emergency and
Reconstructive Surgery and Post-doctoral study in the Field of Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy. He has vast clinical, academical and research experience
in surgery, anti-aging, regenerative, complementary medicine and cell therapy. He has published more than 50 articles, 2 books and is a Member of the Editorial
Board in one of American journals. At present, he is Head of Medical Advisory Board in International Biomolecular Research Company and Medical Director of
European Wellness Centers.
dr.dmytro@sbi-europe.comDmitry Klokol, J Nephrol Ther 2017, 7:4 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0959-C1-043