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Volume 9

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Natural Hazards Congress 2018

July 26-27, 2018

July 26-27, 2018 Melbourne, Australia



International Conference on

Natural Hazards and Disaster Management

Managing fragile landscape: Interface analysis of natural-anthropogenic situation

Prem Prasad Paudel


, Bimala Devi Devkota


and Anu Adhikari



Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Nepal


Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Nepal


International Union for Conservation of Nature, Nepal


long the north south (about 150 to 250 km) and east west (800 km) transect, Nepal Himalaya comprises three distinct

landscape (High Himalaya, mid-mountain and Siwalik) and are characterized with peculiar features. In this study, the

major hazardous elements and underlying causes are examined. The study mainly concentrates to: (1) What are the major

hazards causing damages to life and properties; (2) What are the direct and underlying causes; (3) What are major mitigation

plans implementing by government, non-government agencies. In mid-mountain, soil erosion (both mass movement and

surface erosion) are prominent while in Siwalik landslide and flooding and inundation are prominent (annually 300 people

are dying) with annual of about 12.9% of total development expenditure. Similarly, Siwalik area is very young mountain

fragile landscape with structurally weak, characterized with massive erosion (900-20000 ton/km 2/yr.), heavy deforestation

(1.2 percent/year), unconsolidated geological composition (gravel, sandy, schist, phyllite dominated) and located at high

precipitation zone too (2500 to 3500 mm/yr.). There is high drainage density with sudden topographic break in a short range

of distance. River bed gradient is frequently changing with distinct avulsion, bed widening (changed from 100 m to 1 km).

In addition, mid-mountain region, Rural Road construction is rapid through cutting the unstable hilly slopes. An estimated

average of 500 m


/km/yr of debris and up to 2000 m


/km sediment are generated, which is 10 times greater than those expected

under natural conditions. In steep slope (>30 degree) farming system is common with low productivity. The above mentioned

multi-hazards are directly linked with the livelihood of the people. The government and non-government sectors are joining

hands together with structural and non-structural measures. The ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction, soil bioengineering,

farming system improvement, adoption of climate change adaptive/mitigative approaches are major efforts.

J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C2-043