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Volume 9

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Natural Hazards Congress 2018

July 26-27, 2018

July 26-27, 2018 Melbourne, Australia



International Conference on

Natural Hazards and Disaster Management

Configuring allocated mangroves as a coastal protection strategy for adaptation to climate change and

sea level rise: A case study in Kien Giang, Vietnam

Nguyen Tan Phong


and Huynh Van Tien



Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam


Can Tho University, Vietnam


llocation of coastal mangrove areas at the ratio of 30:70 for protection and livelihood improvement, despite being an

adoptedmanagement practice in Kien Giang has been limited success due to a low level of local participation and improper

technical guidance on the configuration of allocated areas. Meanwhile, a 500 meter continuous mangrove green belt has been

strategically planned for adaptation to climate change and sea level rise. Private coastal lands have been intensively used for

agriculture and aquaculture. The study was undertaken using mixed methods with the Kien Giang communities’ involvement

in developing technical guidelines for the current 30 (use)/70 (protection) allocation policy that aims to establish a continuous

mangrove belt and protect local livelihoods. Local awareness of the severity of the local issues has been improved. Seventy

percent (70%) of active and abandoned ponds was proposed to be restored for protection using ecologically appropriate

mangrove regeneration methods with 30%, close to a sea dyke system, being used for aquaculture purposes. Configuration of

private coastal lands was proposed to be undertaken at a ratio of 70 (use)/30 (protection), with 70%, close to a sea dyke system,

to be used for agriculture purposes and 30% for mangrove restoration for protection. The majority of the Kien Giang coastal

communities were committed to testing the proposed configuration. The proposed configuration, if properly undertaken,

would be a technical reference regarding mangrove and livelihood protection in Kien Giang Province, the lower Mekong Delta

region and Vietnam.

J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C2-043