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Volume 9

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Natural Hazards Congress 2018

July 26-27, 2018

July 26-27, 2018 Melbourne, Australia



International Conference on

Natural Hazards and Disaster Management

Why evacuate when they do? Household behavior pre and post-watch and warning announcements

during hurricane events

Praveen Maghelal


, Sudha Arlikatti


and Walter Gillis Peacock



Khalifa University, UAE


Rabdan Academy, UAE


Texas A&M University, USA


he spate of high intensity Atlantic hurricanes-Harvey, Irma and Maria, that made landfall in the United States in 2017,

refocused attention on the importance of hurricane warnings and associated decisions to evacuate. Evidence suggests

that the timing of evacuation decisions and actual evacuation vary and are influenced by various behavioral, awareness

and household characteristics. It is important to understand the influence of these factors on the household’s decision to

evacuate and to actual evacuation, especially in relation to the timing of the official announcements of watch and warning.

This study, therefore, empirically investigates the relationship of the social cues, source of information, access to channels,

warning messages and household characteristics on pre-evacuation decision processes and both decisions to evacuate and

actual evacuation. The Protective Action Decision Model framework was used to guide the data collection of Hurricane

Rita (2005) evacuees from the coastal counties of Texas USA and to investigate if the characteristics of evacuees vary with

the pre-watch, post-watch/pre-warning and post warning announcements. Multivariate regression was used to predict the

probability to evacuate in one of these three time-periods using the evacuee responses for both; decisions to evacuate and

actual evacuation. Preliminary investigation reveals that several households (e.g. licensed drivers), perception (e.g. risk of

reaching destination safely) and behavioral variables (e.g., evacuating in multiple groups) influence the odds that a household

would evacuate in post-warning and post-watch period in comparison to the pre-watch period. Recommendations to reduce

delays and congestion from last minute evacuations and ensure the safety of not only the coastal residential populations but

also emergency management personnel responding to their needs are offered. Recommendations are made to reduce delays

and encourage earlier evacuation.

J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C2-043