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Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal

ISSN: 1522-4821

Mental Health 2017

June 21-23, 2017

Mental Health and Human Resilience

June 21-23, 2017 London, UK



International Conference on

Psychotherapy: The power of mind to change brain cells

Aboelezz Kalboush

Al Noor Specialist Hospital, Saudi Arabia


Psychotherapy is evidenced to be as effective as pharmacological treatment in treating a wide range of psychiatric

disorders including major depressive disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and different anxiety disorders. Most of antidepressants

have clear and well known mechanisms of action and cause specific brain changes. Regarding psychotherapy; it has been used

effectively for decades without knowing a clear mechanism of action for it.


This presentation will highlight the changes that the psychotherapy causes in the brain which mediates its treating effects;

and how the change in minds of the patients (i.e., their thoughts) can cause changes in the function and more interestingly the

structure of the brain cells themselves.


Critical review of various current and most updated literature on the topic.


Psychotherapy can cause molecular changes on the level of the receptors and transporters of different neuro-transmitters.

Brain function changes on the level of brain networks and circuits and brain physiological response to certain chemicals. Brain

structure changes on the level of both grey matter and white matter.


Although still preliminary, the studies using neuroimaging for measuring change caused by psychotherapy will in the

long run lead to a more understanding of how different psychotherapies work. This may lead to a development in which specific

modes of psychotherapy can be designed to target specific brain circuits.


Aboelezz Kalboush is an Egyptian Consultant Psychiatrist. He has received his Master’s degree in Psychiatry and Neurology from Ain-Shams University, Egypt in

2007, Arab Board in Psychiatry in 2007 and Egyptian Board in Psychiatry in 2008. He is the Head of Psychiatry Department in Al Noor Specialist Hospital, Saudi

Arabia since June 2013. He is responsible for training of medical students (both undergraduates & postgraduates) in Psychiatry. He has participated as a speaker in

international conferences in psychiatry beside his continuous educational activities directed to non-psychiatric doctors and health care staff to provide them with the

updates in field of psychiatry as they have an important midway role between the psychiatric patients and the psychiatrist. He works in parallel on two main goals:

Exploring the neuro-biological basis of both the different psychiatric disorders specially the challenging ones and their psychotherapeutic treatments.

Aboelezz Kalboush, Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-008