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Volume 19, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Int J Emerg Ment Health, an open access journal
ISSN: 1522-4821
Mental Health 2017
June 21-23, 2017
Mental Health and Human Resilience
June 21-23, 2017 London, UK
International Conference on
Recommended Practices, Foods, and Nutrition for the Brain
Kaufui Vincent Wong
University of Miami, USA
his work strives to list the significant practices which are good for the body, practices which are especially good for the brain, as
well as foods and nutrition which are especially good for the brain. The objective is to help researchers and promote brain health
among the public. It is suspected that several of the practices may not be commonly known. The generation of discussion is healthy
in the field of science, and this is a secondary function of this publication. Any omission of significant actions which can be easily
adopted by anyone are regretted. This mini review also produced a listing of commonly available brain-healthy foods.
Below are some of the many ways to protect the health of one’s body, including the brain.
• Eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, proteins and fats.
• Exercise regularly and properly.
• Think of food as one of the two essentials for a healthy body; the other being regular and proper exercise. Practices Especially
Good for the Brain
Below are some of the many ways to protect the health of one’s brain.
• Physically protect your brain e.g. wearing a helmet while on a motor-cycle.
• Do not partake of mind-altering drugs, including marijuana.
• Teach others about this and other good practices and conduct of life.
• Be a goose, rather than a chicken. In other words, be a leader in matters of brain fitness rather than a follower.
Below are some of the major foods that could help protect the health of one’s brain.
• Eat dark chocolate.
• Keep one’s body hydrated at all times.
• Avoid the ‘weapons of mass destruction in the food world, eg. refined sugar, gluten,
• Eat more fruits and vegetables in the ratio of 1:2.
• Eat a daily supplement e.g. multivitamin tablet suitable for your age group.
Dr. Kaufui Vincent Wong, Life ASME Fellow, Life AIAA Assoc. Fellow Energy and the Environment. Renewable energy from the Wind, Water and the Sun (WWS).
Renewable bioresources. Energy-Water-Food nexus and associated global issues. Decoupling of power generation from water. Climate change and its effects,
both current and predicted, and mitigation at the local, national and worldwide levels; education, policies and devices. Drones and flight. Nanotechnology in the
energy sciences, the environment and smart devices. Oil spill science, innovative oil boom systems, and environmental impact of spills. Groundwater transport
and contamination – monitoring, modelling, predicting. Municipal solid wastes and medical wastes. Disposal, energy derivation and environmental impact. Health,
nutrition and disease as they affect the human condition. Holistic view of human health, with nutrition and environmental factors influence factors..
kwong@miami.eduKaufui Vincent Wong, Int J Emerg Ment Health 2017, 19:2(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C1-008