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Volume 6, Issue 4(Suppl)

OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2167-7964

Medical Imaging and Clinical Research 2017

September 11-12, 2017

September 11-12, 2017 | Paris, France



World Congress on

Medical Imaging and Clinical Research

Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

Syed Muhammad Anwar

University of Engineering and Technology, Pakistan


edical image analysis is the science of analysing or solving medical problems using different image analysis techniques for

affective and efficient extraction of information. It has emerged as one of the top research area in the field of engineering and

medicine. Recent years have witnessed rapid use of machine learning algorithms in medical image analysis. These machine learning

techniques are used to extract compact information for improved performance of medical image analysis system, when compared to

the traditional methods that use extraction of handcrafted features. Deep learning is a breakthrough in machine learning techniques

that has overwhelmed the field of pattern recognition and computer vision research by providing state-of-the-art results. Deep learning

provides different machine learning algorithms that model high level data abstractions and do not rely on handcrafted features.

Recently, deep learning methods utilizing deep convolutional neural networks have been applied to medical image analysis providing

promising results. The application area covers the whole spectrum of medical image analysis including detection, segmentation,

classification, and computer aided diagnosis. A brief introduction to the application of deep learning algorithms in medical image

retrieval, segmentation, and detection will be presented.


Syed Muhammad Anwar is assistant professor at department of Software Engineering, University of Engineering, and Technology, Taxila and leading the Signal,

image and multimedia, processing, and learning (SIMPLe) group. His research interest includes magnetic resonance imaging, machine learning, deep learning,

medical image analysis and wearable and m-health.

Syed Muhammad Anwar, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-012