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Volume 6, Issue 4(Suppl)

OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2167-7964

Medical Imaging and Clinical Research 2017

September 11-12, 2017

September 11-12, 2017 | Paris, France



World Congress on

Medical Imaging and Clinical Research

Radiographer prospects in Hungary

David Sipos, Boncz I, Betlehem J, Petone Cs M, Vandulek, Pandur A, Kedves A, Repa I


Kovacs A

University of Pecs Faculty of Health Sciences, Hungary


ur aim was to identify the possible reasons behind the migration and attrition behaviour among Hungarian radiograhers. We

were interested wether the dedicated professional staff has concrete ideas across borders which can be connected with attrition.

For data collection we used one self made questionnaire and the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) Questionnaire’s shortened version

according to international practise. Our target group were workers with diploma of diagnostic analysis. Our sample counted 216

radiographers (n=216). For data analysis we used the 13.0 verison of SPSS. We applied analysis of variance, paired sample T-test, Chi-

square test, linear regression and descriptive statistics with the performed probability of 95% (p=0.05). 30,6% of respondents (n=66)

were concerned about the idea of working abroad, 40,3% (n=87) of respondents is staying in Hungary just because of their current

life situation. At the group of 20-30 age we can espy significant relationship between the working opportunity abroad (p=0,001). The

migration tendency was specific for radiograhers with no children (n=54). We found a significant relationship between the working

ability abroad and the radiographers years spent in health care system (p=0,008). 41,7% of respondents (n=90) think that it will be

favorable option if they change career. We found significant relationship between possible working opportunity abroad and the desire

for higher wages and the lack of moving up in the radiographer hierarchy (p=0,001; p=0,001). Our research provides a broad view of

the migration and attrition tendency among Hungarian radiographers. According to our study serious changes should be involved in

the Hungarian system to keep the younger radiographers home.


David Sipos is a lecturer at the University of Pecs Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Diagnostical Imaging. According to my Bsc. degree I’m a radiographer,

and I’ve done my Msc. from Healthcare Management. From September 2017 I’m going to attend the Phd. course at the University of Pecs. Next to my duties I’m

also an application specialist for Medipixel Ltd., we are distributors of Samsung DR systems in Hungary and Slovakia as well. I can speak 4 languages (Hungarian,

Slovak, Czech, English) and I’m highly interested in developing international relationships into the way of education and research.

David Sipos et al., OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-012