Volume 4, Issue 6(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther
ISSN: 2332-0877 JIDT, an open access journal
Page 60
Influenza 2016
September 12-13, 2016
September 12-13, 2016 Berlin, Germany
International Conference on
Flu pathogenesis proteolytic theory and its role in the improvement of flu’s treatment
V A Divocha
SE Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Ukraine
: Interaction of virus and cell in the pathogenesis of viral diseases is insufficiently studied. The main point here is
penetration of virus into a healthy cell with an obligatory virus’ deproteinization. However the deproteinization of viruses is studied
insufficiently. First of all it refers to the mechanisms of introduction of flu virus in the cells of mammals, including humans. In this
regard in 1983 we offered the new theory of flu pathogenesis with participation of proteinases-inhibitory system.
: To study the state and role antiproteinasis systems of the virus and recipient in the development of an influenza infection
for receiving essentially new medical preparations on the basis of inhibitors of trypsin-like proteinases.
: In work presented we used flu viruses, A/PR/8/34 (H1N1), AO/32(H1N1) strains, white mice, chicken embryos, white
rats, waste of γ-globulin and albumin manufacturing, human interferon and immunoglobulin, herpetic, gonococcus and tularemia
vaccines and medicines: Influvac, Fluarix, Vaxigrip: Anti-influenza vaccines, Avaxim: Vaccine for hepatitis A and blood preparations
Fraxiparine, Solcoseryl.
: It has been established that cleaning and concentration of influenza virus A various by different methods does not exempt
virus from cellular enzymes trypsin-like proteinases and their inhibitors. Both domestic (human immunoglobulin and interferon,
anti-influenzal and herpetic vaccines) and foreign preparations (Influvac, Fluarix, Vaxigrip, Avaxim, Fraxiparine and Solcoseryl) had
trypsin-like proteinase and its inhibitor in their structure. In the experiments on the white mice at infection with flu A virus there was
a violation of proteinase-inhibitory balance, especially during the first hours after contamination. From the lungs of healthy mice six
isoforms of trypsin-like proteinase have been allocated and antiproteinase immune serums were received to them. At the treatment
of the animals infected with a lethal dose of flu A virus, only one serum (to the third isoform) has protected white mice from death.
From the waste of γ-globulin manufacture of donor blood, inhibitor of trypsin-like proteinases which protected for 80% of white
mice from death was emitted.
: Endogenous inhibitors of human blood proteinases are perspective preparations in the fight with flu in humans.
V A Divocha was graduated from I. I. Mechnikov Odessa State University in 1967, Faculty of Biology (Department of Virology). In 1973 she continued her Postgraduate
study at Odessa Institute of Virology and Epidemiology (specialty virology). In 1974 she was awarded her candidate degree with the thesis “Interaction of Coxsackie B
viruses with sensitive cell cultures and their antigenic relationships”. In 2009 she was awarded her doctoral degree with the thesis entitled “Biological basis antiprotease
therapy of influenza”. She has scientific experience of 35 years and has more than 186 scientific publications, 2011 monograph, textbook, 10 patents and 3 innovations.
She is currently working as the Head of the Laboratory of Experimental and Clinical Pathology for Ukrainian Research Institute of Transport Medicine and the Supervisor of
the nine research programs in virology and biochemistry.
divocha09@ukr.netV A Divocha, J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:6(Suppl)