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Volume 7
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
Infectious Diseases & Endocrinology 2019
February 27-28, 2019
February 27-28, 2019 Tokyo, Japan
Infectious Diseases, Diabetes and Endocrinology
Global Experts Meeting on
Goutam Kumar Acherjya, J Infect Dis Ther 2019, Volume 7
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C2-062
Antimicrobial resistance-A global public health challenge
Goutam Kumar Acherjya
Upazila Health Complex, Bangladesh
ver the couple of decades the antimicrobial resistance is one of most common global public health problems not only in
the developed countries but also developing countries. In the daily clinical practice antibiotics are commonly prescribed
in case of respiratory tract infections, many of the genitourinary tract infections, acute of chronic gastroenteritis or other
gastro intestinal symptoms, traumatized patients to prevent secondary infections. Antibiotics are commonly used to prevent
and control the bacterial infection for reducing the mortalities and morbidities but its resistance has become the major public
health challenge in the era of 21
century. After achieving the millennium development goal, antibiotic resistance will be one
of the major stakeholders to set the sustainable developmental goals as the scenario is more endangering and life threatening
than our current anticipation. A complex mechanism of interaction between genetic, pathogenic properties, environmental
and host factors are related to develop antimicrobial resistance. Out of which several factors including inappropriate antibiotics
practicing, patient’s illiteracy, unauthorized sale of antibiotics, inadequate supervision by drug monitoring agencies and non-
human use of antibiotics such as animal production are modifiable. Many of the pathogens have shown highly resistance to
several commonly used antimicrobials reported in various studies which is really alarming for us. So, the judicious strategies
should be planned to prevent and combat against the antimicrobial resistance and make the globe livable for our generation
Goutam Kumar Acherjya is currently working as a Junior Consultant of Medicine in the Upazila Health Complex, Bangladesh. He has completed his MBBS
degree from Sher-E-Bangla Medical College and Hospital, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and also has completed Fellowship (FCPS) in Internal Medicine from
Bangladesh College of Physician and Surgeon, Bangladesh. He has completed Fellowship training under Emeritus Prof. AV Srinivashan in AVS Clinic and Prof. M
R Sivakumar in GLB Hospital and Acute Stroke Centre in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He has achieved his Life Membership from Bangladesh Society of Medicine
and Bangladesh Medical Association. He has gained his membership fromAmerican College of Physician in 2016. He has won the Bangladesh Society of Medicine
Research Grant Award 2018. He has 11 global publications.