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Volume 7

Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy

Infectious Diseases & Endocrinology 2019

February 27-28, 2019

February 27-28, 2019 Tokyo, Japan

Infectious Diseases, Diabetes and Endocrinology

Global Experts Meeting on

Valentina A Divocha et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2019, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C2-062

Presence of cellular components in vaccines and immunobiological drugs

Valentina A Divocha, Alya Sanctum and Alexander Kovalinsky

Lugansk State Medical University, Ukraine


ow preventive maintenance of flu by means of vaccination is conventional and is supported by experts of world. To

check presence of trypsin-like proteinase and its inhibitor in antiflu and other vaccines and in immunobiological blood

preparations of domestic and foreign manufacture. In work following commercial preparations have been used: Interferon

leukocytic human, the immunoglobulin of human placental, donor 10%, a gonococcal vaccine a herpetic vaccine (Odessa),

vaccines for preventivemaintenance of a flu, a season 2002/2003-Influvac which consists of hemagglutinins and a neuraminidase

of a virus of a flu, strains: А/Moscow/10/99 (H3N2), А/New Caledonia/20/99 (H/N), B/Hong Kong/330/2001, Fluarix which

consists of hemagglutinins of strains (H1N1) A/New Caledonia (H3N2), А/Panama and В/Shandont 17/97 and Vaxigrip which

consists of three strains of a flu virus, a vaccine for preventive maintenance of a hepatitis A - vaxim, a blood preparation

received from a heparin (the antifactor of Ha)- Fraxiparine, a preparation from a blood of calves for a hemodialysis -Solcoseryl.

Preparations were investigated before the termination of a period of validity. Work is devoted to study presence of components

of a cell-owner and its inhibitor in vaccines and blood preparations and to define presence trypsin-like proteinase and its

inhibitor in vaccines and blood preparations. It is revealed that anti influenza vaccines (Influvac, Vaxigrip, Fluarix), Herpetic

and Tularemic vaccines contained an inhibitor of trypsin-like proteinase in considerable quantity. Commercial preparations

from a human donor blood (an immunoglobulin, interferon, Fraxiparine and Solcoseryl) contained as trypsin-like proteinase

and its inhibitor. The immunoglobulin contained in 4.0 times more inhibitor, than interferon. Hence, the modern vaccines

applied to prophylaxis and treatment, are insufficiently cleared. Presence of cellular components (enzymes and inhibitors)

could lead to allergization and follow complication which is not very known.


Valentina A Divocha has completed her Graduation from I.I. Mechnikov Odessa State University, Faculty of Biology (Department of Virology). She has completed

her Post graduation studies from Odessa Institute of Virology and Epidemiology (specialty virology). She has completed her Doctoral degree with the thesis entitled,

Biological basis anti-proteinase therapy of influenza

. She has many scientific publications, 3 monographs, textbook Virology (2012), 12 patents, 4 innovations. She

is currently working at Lugansk State Medical University, Ukraine. She is the Supervisor of the nine research programs in virology and biochemistry.