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Volume 7

Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy

Infectious Diseases & Endocrinology 2019

February 27-28, 2019

February 27-28, 2019 Tokyo, Japan

Infectious Diseases, Diabetes and Endocrinology

Global Experts Meeting on

Ahmad Ishtiaq, J Infect Dis Ther 2019, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C2-062

Transcultural study of dietary habits and physical activities among patients with diabetes and

control subjects in Myanmar and Thailand

Ahmad Ishtiaq

Juntendo University, Japan


iabetes prevalence has been rising more rapidly in low and middle income countries. In Myanmar WHO STEP survey, a

high intake of FV (fruit and vegetable) was associated with lower odds of hypertriglyceridemia among men and women.

It was also associated with cholesterol levels, negatively among women and positively among men. Myanmar's traditional food

tends to have a lot of fats and carbohydrates. Recently, dietary habits of Myanmar residents have been westernizing. More than

200,000 deaths annually among the Thai population are owing to chronic non-communicable diseases and about 30,000 deaths

are owing to diabetes, a leading cause of death in Thailand. With rapidly emerging T2DM, prevalence among adults has risen

from 2.3% in 1991 to 8.0% in 20155. Over 4 millionThai adults live with diabetes, making it the top cause of disability-adjusted

life years lost for Thai women and the seventh cause for men. In total 600 T2DM patients will be recruited (both side) to have

face to face questioners interview dietry habits, physical activity, salt and sugar measurement from the food. This study will

investigates the occurrence of DM in citizens of the Yangon Region, Myanmar and Chiang-mai, Thailand. The comparison of

pre-test results of the actual dietary habits and activity habits of adult of Myanmar and Thailand showed the factor that the

prevalence of T2DM in urban Myanmar is extremely high.


Ahmad Ishtiaq has completed his MD at the age of 24 years from International School of Medicine, Bishkek. His specialty is gastroenterology and worked as

research fellow at graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University, Tokyo, Japan. Currently, He is the PhD candidate, at Juntendo University dept. of Public

health. He is working on Pfizer Type 2 Diabeties project in Thailand and mayanmar. He has published a systematic review on Childhood obesity and nutrition

transition in Asian countries.