Page 42
Volume 7
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
Infectious Diseases & Endocrinology 2019
February 27-28, 2019
February 27-28, 2019 Tokyo, Japan
Infectious Diseases, Diabetes and Endocrinology
Global Experts Meeting on
Tarek Amin Abdulhamid El-shazly et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2019, Volume 7
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C2-063
Prognostic value of dysglycemia in cerebral hemorrhage in patients with metabolic syndrome
Tarek Amin Abdulhamid El-shazly, Amr M Elrabat, Adel Abrahim Abdu El-Salam and Osama A Abd El-Salam
Mansoura University, Egypt
Background & Aim:
Metabolic syndrome is increasing worldwide, and is increasing in women than men, and is increasing
in parallel with increasing age and obesity. Dysglycemia is one of IDF 2006 criteria for definition of metabolic syndrome. The
aim of the work is to evaluate the role of dysglycemia in cases of cerebral hemorrhage in patients with metabolic syndrome.
Patients & Methods:
240 patients presented with hemorrhagic stroke were divided into two groups according to IDF criteria
(2006), full investigations, including laboratory investigations, ECG, chest x-ray and brain CT.
Results & Conclusion:
Among 240 patients with cerebral hemorrhage 77 patients have metabolic syndrome (32%), 22 patients
had obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia, 31 patients had obesity, hypertension and diabetes and 24 patients had all metabolic
syndrome components. As regard dysglycemia, the presence of metabolic syndrome increases relative risk of dysglycemia by
2.5 fold in Met.s patients than non-Met.s patients also, dysglycemia increases relative risk of mortality of cerebral hemorrhage
with Met.s by 1.04 fold than with normal glucose tolerance.
Tarek Amin Abdulhamid El-shazly has completed MD in Internal Medicine from Mansoura University. He has worked as a Consultant Gastroenterology and
Hepatology at King Fahd Hospital Madinah Monawarah. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine,
Mansoura University, Egypt.