Page 41
Volume 7
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
Infectious Diseases & Endocrinology 2019
February 27-28, 2019
February 27-28, 2019 Tokyo, Japan
Infectious Diseases, Diabetes and Endocrinology
Global Experts Meeting on
Samer M Al-Hulu, J Infect Dis Ther 2019, Volume 7
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C2-063
Some notes about medical applications for microbial biosurfactants
Samer M Al-Hulu
Green University of Al Qasim, Iraq
io-surfactants are amphiphilic biological compounds created extracellular or cell membrane part bacteria, yeast and
filamentous fungi. Bio-surfactants are made up of a hydrophilic moiety, may be acid, peptide, cation, anion, mono, di
or polysaccharides and a hydrophobic moiety, which may be unsaturated or saturated hydrocarbon chains or fatty acids.
Many advantages for bio-surfactants include biodegradability, low toxicity, biocompatibility and digestivity, availability of
raw materials and specificity. The bio-surfuctant production was detected by many methods includes, hemolytic activity, oil
displacement test emulsification index, surface tension reduction, blue agar plate or CTAB agar plate method, hydrocarbon
overlay agar method. There are many medial applications for bio-surfactant which includes antimicrobial activity. Bio-
surfactants having ability to be toxic on cell membrane permeability in similar method to detergent effect, anti-cancer activity,
the neuronal differentiation in PC 12 cells induced by MEL and get ready the ground work for the use of microbial extracellular
glycolipids as novel reagents for cancer cell treatment, antiviral activity, the sophorolipids surfactants produce by
C. bombicola
having structural analogues such as the sophorolipid diacetate ethyl ester which is powerful spermicidal and virucidal agent
and its virucidal activity similar to nonoxynol-9 against the human semen. Anti-adhesive agents, bio-surfactants having
ability for adhesion inhibiting for pathogenic organisms to solid surfaces or infection site, anti-fungal activity, flocculosin
is a glycolipid produced by yeast like fungus
P. flocculosa
having antifungal activity against pathogenic yeasts and human
mycoses. Immunological adjuvants, bacterial lipo-peptides when mix with classic antigens having active nontoxic, non-
pyrogenic immunological adjuvants. Gene delivery, the liposomes based on bio-surfactants having increasing efficiency for
gene transfection than cationic liposomes trading use.
Samer M Al-Hulu is a Microbiology Specialist. He has completed his PhD from Babylon University/College of Science. He has published more than 14 papers
in Microbiology field. He has training at Ministry of Health at Laboratory of Babylon Maternity and Children Hospital. He is currently working at Al-Qasim Green
University/College of Environmental Sciences.