Volume 6
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
ISSN: 2332-0877
Infection Prevention 2018
December 06-07, 2018
Page 62
December 06-07, 2018 | Valencia, Spain
World Congress on
Infection Prevention and Control
Mohammad Hadi Dehghani, J Infect Dis Ther 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C6-052
Comparison of antiseptics’ efficacy on bacterial infection prevention in hospital environment
n this study the efficacy of antiseptics on bacteria causing hospital infections has been studied. In this study the antimicrobial
activity of Descocid, Korsolex basic, Mikrobac forte and persidin 1% was studied against bacteria causing hospital infections
such as Enterobacter aeruginosa 1221 (NCTC 10006), Staphylococcus epidermidis (PTCC: 1435 (Cip81.55) and Pseudomonas
aeruginosa Strain PAO1. Sensitivities of bacteria were determined by Minimum inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum
bactericidal Concentration (MBC) antiseptics. In the second stage, the concentration of antiseptics was prepared according to the
manufacturer’s suggested protocol and the effect of antimicrobial agents were studied at the certain concentration and contact time.
All disinfectants (Descocid, Korsolex basic, Mikrobac forte) concentration and contact time, Accordance with the manufacturer’s
brochure, had inhibitory effect on all bacteria. That this is consistent with the manufacturer’s brochure. Persidin one percent in
concentration of from 2 and 4 V/V % and exposure time 5 minutes could not inhibit the growth of bacterial. But at concentrations
of 10 and 20% respectively 15 and 30 minutes exposure time, all three types of bacteria can be inhibited, which is consistent with the
manufacturer’s claims. In this study, the efficacy of antiseptics was determined with the Micro-dilution method recommended by
the NCCLS. Korsolex basic, weakest antiseptics (the highest MIC) for the inhibition of three bacteria was determined. But Between
all four antiseptics (according to manufacturer concentration), Only one percent Percidine 2 and 4 V/V % in consumer dilution and
5 minutes exposure time failed to inhibit the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Enterobacter
Recent Publications
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5. Louisiana StateUniversityHealthSciencesCenter.NewOrleansDepartment ofMicrobiology, Immunology andParasitology
Last Modified. 2002:57-58.
Mohammad Hadi Dehghani (PhD) is a Full Professor at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health
Engineering, Tehran, IRAN. His scientific research interests include the Environmental Health and Infectious Waste. He is the author of various research studies published
at national and international journals, conference proceedings and Head of several research project at the TUMS. He has authored 8 books and more than 150 full papers
published in peer- reviewed journals. He is an editorial board member and reviewer in many internal and international journals and is member of several international
science committees around the world. He has supervisor and advisor PhD and MSc theses at the TUMS.
hdehghani@tums.ac.irMohammad Hadi Dehghani
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran