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Volume 5, Issue 7 (Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0877
Infection Prevention 2017
December 14-15, 2017
December 14-15, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Surveillance findings of surgical site infections among pediatric surgeries at a specialized teaching
hospital, Sudan 2016
Atika M O Swar
Ahfad University for Women, Sudan
urveillance for SSI is an important element of IPC programs. This research aimed at studying SSI among pediatric surgeries
by active direct surveillance using NNIS for prediction. A nested case control study conducted following establishing
surveillance at the department of pediatric surgery. Case definition and tools were modified from the CDC - SSI surveillance
guidelines. Patients were followed throughout admission period and post discharge for one month using phone calls and follow
up visits. The incidence rates of SSI were measured and the associated factors were investigated. During the 3 month period of
the study, 191 surgical patients were admitted and (83%) have undergone surgeries and accordingly, the cumulative incidence
rate was (16.4%). Among the components of NNIS risk index, contaminated surgical wounds and the ASA classification were
significantly associated with the highest rate of infection with (P value of 0.01- 0.006) respectively. Cumulatively, the NNIS
risk index was also associated with SSI and it was a good tool for prediction of SSI (P value: 0.02). Major surgical operations
constituted the highest rates of infections and it was found that patients who stayed for 3-5 days post operatively were at
higher risk of developing SSI. Using logistic regression for multivariate analysis, the test was highly significant and indicated
that only sex and duration of postoperative stay were having a great effect on developing SSI. SSI rate was high and active
direct surveillance with post discharge follow up was a feasible tool for estimating the burden and investigating the associated
risk factors. The NNIS risk index was useful for prediction of SSI. It is important to integrate admission follow up with post
discharge follow up SSI surveillance.
Atika M O Swar has expertise in Community Medicine, public health surveillance, research and great passion for infection prevention and control. She has several
years of expertise in the field of public health and currently building expertise in infection prevention and control. She is very interested in estimating the burden of
hospital acquired infections so as to contribute in prevention and reduction of their burden. Through the relevant expertise and interest, this research was conducted
to establish an applicable and feasible methodology for assessment of surgical site infection rates and risk factors for low income settings like Sudan. It was among
the first researches conducted in this field using similar methodology.
atikaswar@yahoo.comAtika M O Swar, J Infect Dis Ther 2017, 5:7(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-035