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Day 1 December 14, 2017
Infection Prevention, Control and Cure | Infection Control Procedures | Immunizations
Epidemiology and Infection Control | Hospital Infections and Epidemiology | Antimicrobial
Chemo Therapy | Respiratory Tract Infection Therapy
Session Chair
Zarina Bee Nazeer
ICC Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Arabia
Session Co-Chair
Julian Hunt
Swansea University, UK
Adverse events following immunisation with a meningococcal serogroup B vaccine:
Report from a German passive surveillance system
Doris Oberle,
Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Germany
Can hospital osteomyelitis be treated without the use of antibiotics?
Huang Wei Ling,
Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Brazil
Infection prevention control and patient safety culture within hospital isolation settings
Julian Hunt,
Swansea University, UK
The risk of tuberculosis in patients with diabetes mellitus from an Asian tertiary hospital
Yong Yang,
Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Surveillance findings of surgical site infections among pediatric surgeries at a specialized
teaching hospital, Sudan 2016
Atika M O Swar,
Ahfad University for Women, Sudan
Infection control measures to reduce surgical site infections after coronary artery
bypass grafting
Hanadi Al Salmi,
King Faisal Specialist Hospital &Research Center, Saudi Arabia
Prevalence and response to needle stick injuries among health care workers at Kenyatta
National Hospital Nairobi, Kenya
Alice Njihia,
Kenyatta National Referral and Teaching Hospital, Kenya
The sequestration of human dendritic cells by the infective L3
Necator americanus
Asha Hassan,
University of Nottingham, UK
Roadmap to zero tolerance of device healthcare associated infections
Waleed A Mazi,
Directorate of Health Affairs, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Session Introduction