Page 55
Volume 5, Issue 7 (Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0877
Infection Prevention 2017
December 14-15, 2017
December 14-15, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Congress on
Evaluation of bacteria isolated from wounds before and after gentian violet application in plastic
surgery and burn unit patients in a tertiary hospital in Greece
Eleni Vagiakou, Maria Orfanidou, Despina Antaraki, Nikolaos Ampelikiotis, Maria Kamperogianni, Georgios Ganteris
Dimosthenis Tsoutsos
Athens Regional General Hospital, Greece
The objective of this study is to evaluate the frequency and the kind of bacteria isolated from wounds after the
application of gentian violet stain from patients of the Plastic Surgery Department and Burn Unit (PLSD-BU) in a Greek
The study was performed in two semesters, January-June 2013 (study group 1-SG1) and January-June 2014 (study
group 2-SG2). Each SG consisted of 20 patients. Criteria for the choice of the patients were the grimy wounds. The aetiology
of the wound varied from burn to open wounds, pressure sores and skin grafts. Patients SG1 were receiving conventional
treatment; patients SG2, beside conventional treatment, had 1% gentian violet paint locally applicated on the wound. Cultures
were sent to the laboratory for investigation of bacterial pathogens and their susceptibility to antibiotics which were performed
by conventional and automated methods.
The total number of bacterial strains isolated from SG1 was 108 out of which: 71 Gram (-) bacteria (G-B) (66%), 21
coagulase negative staphylococci (CoNS) (19%) and 16
Staphylococcus aureus
(SA) (15%). The most common G-B isolated
Acinetobacter baumannii
(AC) (30/71, 42%), followed by
Klebsiella pneumoniae
(KP) (24/71, 34%), Proteus mirabilis (PM)
(9/71, 13%), Escherichia coli (EC) (5/71, 8%), Enterobacter cloacae (ECL) (1/71, 1%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) (1/71,
1%). CoNS resistant to methicillin (MR) were 13/21-62% and MRSA were 10/16-62.5%. Bacterial strains isolated from SG2
were 103 out of which: 74 G-B (72%), 25 CoNS (24%) and 4 SA (4%). The predominant G-B was AC (37/74, 50%), followed
by KP (14/74, 19%), PM (11/74,15%), EC (5/74, 7%), ECL (5/74, 7%) and PA (2/74, 2%). Among CoNS MR were 15/25 (60%)
and MRSA 2/4 (50%).
Although no significant difference was observed in the total number of isolated bacteria between the two SG,
in SG2 there was a notable decrease of S. aureus strains. Worth mentioning, is also, the decrease of
K. pneumoniae
strains as
total number and as percentage too. According to these, gentian violet seems to be a good and inexpensive alternative for the
management of grimy wounds.
elenivagiakou@gmail.comJ Infect Dis Ther 2017, 5:7(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-036