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Global Physiotherapy 2016
November 17-18, 2016
Volume 6 Issue 6(Suppl)
J Nov Physiother
ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal
November 17-18, 2016 Atlanta, USA
Global Physiotherapy Congress
J Nov Physiother 2016, 6:6(Suppl) of self myofascial release through the vertical jump
Fábio Chittero Boldrini
Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul, Brazil
The myofascial release technique is a manual mobilization of tissues, specifically the fascia. But there is a feature
in which the individual performs the release itself, self myofascial release.
Evaluate the immediate effect of self myofascial release the lower member of asymptomatic individuals in vertical jump.
Materials & Methods:
After approval of the Ethics Committee with the number: 46373115.4.0000.5510 were evaluated 17
(male and female), aged between 18 and 25 years old, BMI (normal weight 18.5 to 24.9), submitted to two times, T1 (warming
on Exercise Bike and vertical jump) and T2 (warming on Exercise Bike, Self-myofascial Release and later vertical jump) is
noted and the highest average of the three jumps performed. The analysis was done with the statistical package GraphPad
Prism and the tests assumed a significance level α=5%, using the Wilcoxon test for comparisons.
Results & Discussion:
In general comparison with average and higher value T1 (p=0.1305) and T2 (p=0.1311), there was no
statistical difference. The individuals who started with T1 and T2 later there is significant performance improvement
(p = 0.0156), and those who started with T2 and T1 after the data remains (p=0.5703), suggesting that first conduct self release
myofascial the benefit could be maintained for an extended time.
Self-myofascial Release held at the second stage generates performance benefits, with a given relevant mainly sports.
atul.singh13@gmail.comInternet marketing and technological advancements for physical therapists
Greg Todd
Physical Therapy Builder,USA
lthough physical therapists have massively increased their education levels to DPT, our marketing strategies have been to
primarily rely on primary care physicians and specialist to refer patients. Unfortunately that has led to only 7% of patients
with musculoskeletal conditions being referred to physical therapist. So where are the other 93%? In this presentation, I show
you how I have used social media strategies, my website/blog to drive patients to my 2 facilities. These methods have allowed
my practices to have 11 years of consecutive growth, as well as 40% increase in gross revenue YTD from 2015-2016. I also
demonstrate the latest technological advancements that I use on a daily basis with patients, which creates an amazing first
impression for my patients.