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Volume 7, Issue 7 (Suppl)
J Gastrointest Dig Syst
ISSN: 2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal
Gastroenterologists 2017
December 14-15, 2017
December 14-15, 2017 Dubai, UAE
Gastroenterologists Summit
Spontaneous posterior rectus sheath hernia
Chu Woon Ng
Bundaberg Base Hospital, Australia
osterior rectus sheath hernia is a very rare form of abdominal wall hernia and there are scarce of reports of this herniation
in the literature to date. This case report presents a spontaneous posterior rectus sheath herniation in a 79 year old male
with previous abdominal surgery for appendicitis. His herniation was discovered incidentally during examination for his
chief complaints of lower abdominal pain and diarrhea which were later diagnosed as salmonella related gastroenteritis. A
computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis showed abdominal wall hernia with loops of small bowel extending
into the rectus abdominis muscle. In this case, it was decided to leave the situation alone for now due to no evidence of bowel
obstruction and the low risk of this hernia getting strangulated, which otherwise would have warranted urgent surgery. This
report adds to limited stock of available literatures on this unique issue and strengthens evidence-based on best approach to
support informed clinical decision making. Significant clinical implication of such case reports is increased identification rate
of rare clinical conditions which otherwise often go unnoticed.
Chu Woon Ng is a General Surgery Principal House Officer at Bundaberg Base Hospital in Queensland, Australia. She has obtained her Bachelor's degree in
MBBS from Queensland University. She is presently an Associate Lecturer at The University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine.
chuwoonn@yahoo.comChu Woon Ng, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2017, 7:7 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C1-062