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Volume 09

Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System

ISSN: 2161-069X

Gastro Congress 2019

July 08-09, 2019

July 08-09, 2019 | Zurich, Switzerland



Euro-Global Gastroenterology Conference

The importance of neuronal serotonin in colonic motor patterns

Terence K Smith

University of Nevada, USA


-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT, serotonin) has two sources in the gut, descending myenteric 5-HT interneurons

(~5% of all 5-HT) and enterochromaffin (EC) cells (~95% of 5-HT). 5-HT is synthesized by the rate limiting

enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH); TPH1 in EC cells and TPH2 in EC cells. In the colon, these two pools of

5-HT appear to be connected by intrinsic primary afferent neurons (IPANs) that have sensory endings in the mucosa

and synapse with 5-HT interneurons. The prominent inhibitory effects of 5-HT1A/2B/3/4 and 7 receptor antagonists

on colonic motility suggests that many of these receptors are on various cell types including glia that are largely

activated by 5-HT interneurons. Major motility patterns in the colon involving 5-HT include tonic inhibition of the

muscle layers interrupted by rhythmic peristaltic waves called colonic migrating motor complexes (CMMCs) and

secretomotor activity and possibly blood flow. In large mammals (e.g. Dog, pig and human colon) 5-HT neurons

occur in both the myenteric plexus and the extensive Henle’s plexus, that synapse with secretomotor neurons in

Meissner’s plexus. Henle’s plexus also provides a motor innervation to submucosal pacemaker cells that generate

slow waves. Some 5-HT neurons also project to prevertebral ganglia suggesting they are viscerofugal neurons that

they can activate postganglionic sympathetic neurons, whose terminals surround 5-HT neurons. We propose that

asynchronous firing in 5-HT neurons excite inhibitory motor neurons (IMNs) to generate tonic inhibition and

suppress pacemaker activity. In contrast, 5-HT released from EC cells activates IPANs that synchronizes 5-HT

neurons. Synchronized firing of 5-HT neurons likely activates glial cells, which release PGE2, that switch off IMNs

and remove tonic inhibition. Synchronized 5-HT neurons also likely generate a slow excitatory postsynaptic potential

(sEPSP) in IPANS by activating 5-HT7 receptors that generate CMMCs that in turn excite excitatory motor neurons

and pacemaker cells.

J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2019, Volume 09