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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Forensic Res 2016

ISSN: 2157-7145, JFR an open access journal

Forensic Research 2016

October 31-November 02, 2016

October 31-November 02, 2016 San Francisco, USA



International Conference on

Forensic Research & Technology

J Forensic Res 2016, 7:5(Suppl)

Forensic age prediction in bone samples

Ana Freire-Aradas

1, 2

, C Phillips


, A Mosquera-Miguel


, L Girón-Santamaría


, A Gómez-Tato


, M Casares de Cal


, J Álvarez-Dios


, P M Schneider


, Á Carracedo



M V Lareu



University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain


University of Cologne, Germany


orensic age prediction provides key information to be used as a tool for DNA intelligence in order to guide police investigations

(if absence of suspects or DNA databases entries occurs). Recent discoveries of age-correlated epigenetic signatures such as

DNA methylation on CpG sites through the genome were used to design age prediction models to be applied to forensic biological

stains. Recently, our research group developed a forensic age prediction system based on seven DNA methylation biomarkers (CpG

sites) detected under EpiTYPER technology. The prediction model was constructed using 725 DNA blood samples from European

population and was based on quantile regression analysis, providing a median absolute prediction error of ±3.07 years. The prediction

system was already implemented in Snipper Forensic Classifier with open access to customers. The simultaneous calculation of the

corresponding age prediction intervals besides the estimated age becomes a great advantage, allowing more accurate predictions in

certain sample groups as young subjects. In the present work, further assessment of our model was carried out in order to be reduced

and adapted to be applied to data derived from the Illumina HumanMethylation450 Bead-Chip. Moreover, additional forensic tissues

such as bone samples were subsequently evaluated. Prediction accuracies are outlined and discussed.

Biometrics solves the crimes: Science fiction or science fact?

Sherein Salah Ghaleb

1, 2


Benisuef University, Egypt


Cairo University, Egypt


iometric is any measurable, robust, distinctive, physical or behavioral characteristic of an individual that can be used to identify

or verify the identity. There are two types of biometrics which fall in category of science facts that have many applications in

forensic practice, they are: Physiological biometrics which include: Fingerprint, facial recognition, hand geometry, iris pattern and

retinal scan and behavioral biometrics include: Voice recognition, signature verification and keystroke dynamics. Another types of

biometrics which fall in category of science fiction as brain finger printing which is a scientific technique to determine whether or not

specific information is stored in an individual's brain so as to identify the perpetrator, brain fingerprinting is a computer-based test

that is designed to discover, document and provide evidence of guilty knowledge regarding crimes. Electrical brain responses can be

a reliable indicator of information-processing activities in the brain. Event-related potentials (ERPs) are specific, simple, positive and

negative voltage changes that take place during the information processing of a particular stimulus. These changes occur only when

a person is selectively attentive to a stimulus, and they are elicited only in circumstances in which he/she is required to distinguish

one stimulus (the target) from a group of other stimuli (the non-targets). P300 is a specific ERP component that has the potential

for detecting concealed information in the brain. This testing determines objectively whether or not certain information is stored

in the brain, regardless of any false or truthful statements the subject may or may not make about it. Brain finger printing has many

applications in National security (counter terrorism), criminal justice system, medical diagnosis and others.