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Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Forensic Res 2016
ISSN: 2157-7145, JFR an open access journal
Forensic Research 2016
October 31-November 02, 2016
October 31-November 02, 2016 San Francisco, USA
International Conference on
Forensic Research & Technology
J Forensic Res 2016, 7:5(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2157-7145.C1.021Forensic Sociology: Towards an integrated research agenda
Derek Layder
University of Leicester, UK
nvestigative research’ is a sociology-based framework but eminently suited to forensic science. Criminal behavior or activity
(violence, extortion, robbery, or serial murder) is understood as an outcome of the intersecting influences of four principal social
domains -along with their sub-dimensions of power and temporality. ‘Psychobiography’ traces ‘perpetrators’ psychological states
of mind, intertwined with social involvements, emotions and preferred modes of interpersonal control -as they unfold over time.
‘Situated activity’ examines face to face encounters (between victims and perpetrators) and the importance of emergent meanings.
3] ‘Social settings’ are the proximate social locations of criminal activities and significantly influence criminal conduct. ‘Contextual
resources’ (wider societal influence of such factors as -class gender, ethnicity and age) in both material (money, goods) and symbolic
(values, beliefs) forms. Additionally, different (domain) forms of ‘power & control’ and ‘temporality’ significantly affect the unfolding
narratives of crime. The strengths of such a program are: 1] Brings together sociology, psychology, philosophy, anthropology and other
strands of forensic science to form a unified interdisciplinary research program, 2] Common focus around emotion and interpersonal
control. 3] Integrated approach allows diverse, but complementary theories and research approaches, to work in unison, based on a
unique combination of theory-testing and theory-generating approaches in the context of multi-strategy andmixedmethods research.
dlayder@talktalk.net dl6@lei.ac.ukDetection of lamp amplifiedAmelogenin gene using a binary deoxyribozyme sensor
Alexandra Smith, Tosha Dupras and Dmitry Kolpashchikov
University of Central Florida, USA
ex identification of unknown remains is crucial to personal identification of human remains in anthropology and forensics. When
conventional methods, such as metric or morphological analysis, are not an option due to the fragmented or prepubescent remains,
molecular diagnostics are needed. The amelogenin gene, found on sex (X and Y) chromosomes, is the most common molecular
marker used for sex determination because it exhibits sexual dimorphism in size and sequence. Here we develop a new method for
fluorescent and visual easy-to-use analysis of amelogenin gene for sex identification. In this assay, human DNA is amplified during
a period of 15 min by isothermal loop mediated amplification (LAMP) followed by analysis by a binary deoxyribozyme sensors for
60-20 min. High selectivity of the amelogenin sequences of Y and X chromosome was demonstrated. The assay promises to simplify
molecular-based sex determination of human remains.