Page 64
Volume 7, Issue 5 (Suppl)
J Forensic Res 2016
ISSN: 2157-7145, JFR an open access journal
Forensic Research 2016
October 31-November 02, 2016
October 31-November 02, 2016 San Francisco, USA
International Conference on
Forensic Research & Technology
Murder mechanism in Lithuania from 2004–2013
Sigitas Chmieliauskas
1, 2
, Sigitas Laima
1, 2
, Gerda Andriuskeviciute
, Dmitrij Fomin
1, 2
, Jurgita Stasiuniene
Algimantas Jasulaitis
Vilnius University, Lithuania
State Forensic Medicine Service, Lithuania
eaths from firearms directly correlate with the number of weapons per 100 inhabitants in Eastern European countries. According
to World Health Organization, in Bulgaria, Estonia, Poland and Latvia murders by instruments with a sharp cutting edge are
dominant. In Bulgaria these deaths are executed in 51% of all cases, with the blunt force– 11%, firearms– 17%, asphyxiation-9%. In
Estonia, homicides by sharp objects are executed in 44%, with the blunt forces– 41%, with the firearms or asphyxiation of 6%, burned
–3%. In Latvia homicides by sharp objects are executed in 36%, with the firearms or asphyxiation– of 6%. In Poland homicides by
sharp objects are executed in 63%, with the blunt forces– 48%, firearms– 4%. A statistical study of 1738 murder cases in Lithuania
during the period of 2004–2013 was performed. 73% of men have been killed, dominant age group was 38–52 years. Deaths from
blunt forces, such as, stone, stick, etc, were dominant (52 %). 33% of deaths were caused by sharp objects, 28%– kicking by hands or
foots, 6%– firearms, 5%– asphyxiation, 3%– axe. 1% of deaths were caused by other physical factors, e.g., left at a helpless condition,
firing, fall from heights, etc. Mostly it was killed by one type of weapon– 68%, two types– 30%, three types– 2%, four types– 0.3%.
The asphyxiation mechanism was dominant among women. In Lithuania homicides by blunt forces are dominant and the murder
number is decreasing.
Sigitas Chmieliauskas is a Medicine Doctor (PhD in Medicine), Assistant of Department of Pathology, Forensic Medicine and Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine,
Vilnius University, and also a Forensic Medicine Doctor of State Forensic Medicine Service, Lithuania.
sigitas.chmieliauskas@mf.vu.ltSigitas Chmieliauskas et al., J Forensic Res 2016, 7:5(Suppl)