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Volume 5, Issue 6(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0877
Euro Infectious Diseases 2017
September 07-09, 2017
September 07-09, 2017 | Paris, France
Infectious Diseases
Euro-Global Conference on
Toxic shock syndrome due to
streptococcus pyogenes
in an 80-year old post-knee arthroplasty patient:
A case report
Jenny Mae A Quinivista-Yoon
Ryan M Llorin
St. Luke’s Medical Center-Global City, Philippines
rosthetic joint infection (PJI) is one of the leading causes of arthroplasty failure. A high incidence of PJI follows
Staphylococcus aureus
and coagulase-negative staphylococci. On the other hand,
Streptococcus pyogenes
PJI is extremely
rare with only a very few case reports in the literature. Toxic shock syndrome resulting from
Streptococcus pyogenes
however, has a reported mortality rate as high as 30-70%, hence early recognition of this potentially fatal infection is crucial
to the successful management of patients. In this article, we report a case of an 80 year old male who developed streptococcal
toxic shock syndrome in association with a severe group-A streptococcal infection of the knee after a total knee arthroplasty
done two years prior.
yoon_jenny@yahoo.comJ Infect Dis Ther 2017, 5:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-033