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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Chem Sci J 2017

ISSN: 2150-3494 CSJ, an open access journal

Euro Chemistry 2017

May 11-13, 2017

May 11-13, 2017 Barcelona, Spain



European Chemistry Congress

Characterization of lamb flavor using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS)

Hardy Z Castada

The Ohio State University, USA


olatile 4-alkyl-branched fatty acids and 3-methylindole are characteristic flavor compounds associatedwith lamb.The partitioning

behavior of these volatile organic compounds (VOCs) between the gas and condensed phase is important for their effective

characterization especially during high throughput screening and quantitative analysis. Selected ion flow tube-mass spectrometry

(SIFT-MS) was used for the headspace concentration analysis of the compounds associated with lamb flavor. Standard solutions

of 4-ethyloctanoic acid, 4-methyloctanoic acid, 4-ethylnonanoic acid and 3-methylindole were prepared in an oil-based matrix,

equilibrated for an hour at 4 different temperatures (80, 100, 110 and 125oC), prior to headspace sampling and quantification. Further

linear regression analyses and calculations of Henry’s law constants were carried out at each specified equilibration temperature.

The Henry’s law constants of the lamb flavor compounds were calculated with a high degree of confidence (p<0.05) based on direct

proportionality with a very good fit of linearity (R2>0.99) between the headspace and solution concentration of the standard solutions.

The detected headspace concentrations increased with elevated equilibration temperature resulting to increased volatility of the

compounds. Therefore, the calculated temperature-dependent Henry’s law constants for these volatile compounds decreased with

increasing temperature. We have established the temperature-dependent Henry’s law constants for the volatiles 4-alkyl branched-

chain fatty acids and 3-methylindole in air-oil matrixes. As the equilibration temperature is increased, volatility increases and Henry’s

law constant decreases with increasing molecular weight. The partitioning behavior of the compounds is necessary for their high

throughput characterization and approximation of their concentrations in situ.


Hardy Castada is a post-doctoral food scientist and analytical chemist with research interest in the fundamental and applied volatile compound analysis using SIFT-

MS. He studies physico-chemical changes and behavior of volatile, semi-volatile, aroma and flavor volatiles in various matrixes and systems.

Hardy Z Castada, Chem Sci J 2017, 8:2(Suppl)