Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)
Clin Pharmacol Biopharm, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-065X
Page 68
Euro Biopharma & Ethnopharmacology 2017
November 09-11, 2017
International Conference and Exhibition on
November 09-11, 2017 Vienna, Austria
Joint Event
Evaluation of Lavandula angustifolia oil in cosmetology and aromatherapy
Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania Faculty of Pharmacy
Lavender oil is extracted mostly from the flowers of the lavender plant, a fragrant in nature, and have been used for making
parfumes for centuries. The oil is very useful in aromatherapy and many aromatic preparations and combinations are made
using lavender oil. Traditionally, lavender essential oil has also been used in dermocosmetics. The aim of this study is to show
on human subjects the potential for diminishing the melanin of the skin, at the level of unreliable melanic spots (macules of
divese causes) by the mexametry method. The ointment in which we have introduced the lavender oil contains an increased
percentage of lipophilic components and water. This is why we also included in this formulation: stabilizers, antioxidants,
antimicrobial preservatives, emulgators, surfactants.Prior to the start of the volunteer study, a lavender flower extract was
obtained that was compared to two other commercial samples and chemically characterized and analyzed by chromatography
in the University of Agricultural Sciences of Banat, Timisoara, Romania.The results obtained are obvious and demonstrate the
depigmenting effects of lavender oil but we encourage the long-term and associative study.
Key Words:
Lavender, melanin, depigmentation, mexametry.
Felicia Andrei has the PhD degree in Medicine (University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara) and is a pharmacist specialised in Clinical Pharmacy (University
of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest). She has completed also two Masters degrees: one in Pharmacy -Formulation and evaluation of the dermatocosmetic
product and the other in Polytehnic Computer Automation - Information Systems in Health Care. Now teaching in the Faculty of Pharmacy in Timisoara as an
Assist. Prof. at the discipline of Dermatopharmacy and Cosmetology. She is a member of the College of Pharmacists in Romania and of the European Federation
for Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Abdalla M El-Mowafy et al., Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 2017, 6:4(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-065X-C1-026