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Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography | ISSN: 2157-7625 | Volume 8
July 11-12, 2018 | Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
Environmental Microbiology & Microbial Ecology
International Conference on
Ecology, Ecosystems & Conservation Biology
Functional folk food concept based on consumption of ethnical products and epigenetic algorithm
for personal nutrition calculation for implementation and exploitation by European Union citizens
Nadiya Boyko
Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine
Statement of the Problem:
To strengthen European citizens to make dietary choices as the healthy diet, which is sustainable
and affordable using local goods that are produced in the environmentally responsible way for further improving food systems.
Methodology &Theoretical Orientation:
Clinical trials, cohort studies,
in vitro
in vivo
experiments (cells, animal models:
CNV vs. GF and k.o. mice, etc.), mathematical modeling, IT tools.
We are currently testing is the personalized nutrition algorithm (PNA). However, it is being tested only for specific
diseases, which limits the use of those approaches for personalized nutrition to only those cases. FENIX proposes to exploit
an easy-to-use coherent tool to make recommendations for PN requirements that meet the precise needs of EU citizens.
Proposed by FENIX tool is based on measurements and an innovative bioinformatics approach for interpretation of individual
microbiome data with other relevant and crucial factors (evidence-based and correlated biomarkers, calculating age, gender
and indicating personal health status, personal nutritional requirements, food composition data, lifestyle specificity, cultural
preferences, environment conditions) and also consider the available source and analytical characteristics of ethnic foods and
innovative food processing approach of further individualisation proposed for local farmers and food producers.
All NCDs, allergies, other so-called “metabolic disorders” correlate with humanmicrobiome status.
Normal microbiome depends on the region where a person lives. In fact, the project presents a new way of the understanding
microbiome – function. FENIX will also consider the origin of food taking into account its nutritional value and unique
composition since different food affects different people in different ways, as well as the different origin of one product, affect
the same person differently.
Nadiya Boyko has defended her PhD in 1994 and doctor degree in 2010. From 2000 until 2005 she occupied sabbatical Research Fellow position in Laboratory
of Mucosal Immunology in University of Pennsylvania, USA. She is permanently working as professor at the Uzhhorod National University, and occupied following
positions: Director of the R&D Centre of Molecular Microbiology and Mucosal Immunology; Vice-President and CSO of CLS in Slovakia and co-founder and
CEO of Ediens LLC. Research interests are: P4 medicine, personalized nutrition, pharmabiotics, human microbiome, noncommunicable diseases; food safety,
knowledge transfer. Co-establisher of Ukrainian and Slovak Technology Platforms “Agro-Food”; experienced stakeholder manager with links to industry, academia
and researchers in Europe. Boyko, J Ecosys Ecograph 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625-C3-038