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Volume 7

Biosensors Journal

ISSN: 2090-4967

Electrochemistry 2018

June 11-12, 2018

June 11-12, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on


Improving single carbon nanotube electrode contacts using molecular electronics

Atiweena Krittayavathananon

1, 2


University of Oxford, UK


VISTEC, Thailand


arbon nanotubes (CNTs) and their derivatives are commonly applied as both catalyst supports and catalysts in many

electronic devices. To achieve high-performance electronics, researchers have focused intensive efforts into developing

the chemical and physical properties of new materials but largely ignore the potentially fundamental problem of forming a

high-quality contact with the electrochemical substrate. When two materials are brought into contact, the junction causes a

potential drop in the system resulting from a contact resistance. To understand the junction properties of metal/CNT interfaces,

the nano-impact methodology has been developed as a route to measuring the resistance across individual CNT−electrode

contacts. In these experiments, some of the CNTs in the solution phase form a bridge across two adjacent gold electrode

contacts. An average bridging resistance for individual CNTs contact is 1.1±0.1×108 Ω. To improve the CNT-Au contact, we

report the use of an electroactive species, acetaminophen, to modify the electrical connection between a carbon nanotube

(CNT) and an electrode. By measuring the current signal across the bridge of single acetaminophen-modified CNT contact

between the two microbands of the IDE-Au, the current response of acetaminophen modified on CNT is significant higher

than the bare CNT, indicating that the electronic properties of the single CNT-Au contact are improved by modifying CNT

with acetaminophen. It investigates that the adsorbed acetaminophen molecules contribute to promoting the electron transfer

processes between the junctions of two materials.

Recent Publications:


Krittayavathananon A, Li X, Batchelor McAuley C, Kätelhön E, Chaisiwamongkhol K, Sawangphruk M and Compton

R G (2017) Improving single-carbon nanotube-electrode contacts using molecular electronics. The Journal of Physical

Chemistry Letters 8:3908–3911.


Proctor S J and Linholm L W (1982) A direct measurement of interfacial contact resistance. IEEE Electron Device Letters



Li X, Batchelor McAuley C, Shao L, Sokolov S, Young N and Compton R G (2017) Quantifying single-carbon nanotube-

electrode contact via the nanoimpact method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8:507-511.


Sokolov S, Eloul S, Kätelhön E, Batchelor McAuley C and Compton R G (2017) Electrode-particle impacts: a user’s guide.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19:28-43.


Krittayavathananon A, Li X, Sokolov S V, Batchelor McAuley C, Sawangphruk M and Compton R G (2018) The solution

phase aggregation of graphene nanoplates. Applied Materials Today 10:122-126

Atiweena Krittayavathananon, Biosens J 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4967-C1-002

Figure 1:

Schematic shows an opportunity

of the improvement of Faradaic electron

transfer process between acetaminophen

modified CNTs and two adjacent gold

electrode contacts