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Volume 7

Biosensors Journal

ISSN: 2090-4967

Electrochemistry 2018

June 11-12, 2018

June 11-12, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on


Naphthalene derivative supported activated carbon composite electrode with enhanced capacitance

and potential window for supercapacitor

Jeong H Park


Isheunesu Phir

Hanbat National University, South Korea


derivative of 1,4-Naphthoquinone coded HBU671 is synthesized and used in addition to activated carbon as composite

electrode for supercapacitor application. From the electrochemical properties analysis, a specific capacitance of about 300

Fg-1, almost double the specific capacitance of activated carbon was obtained for the composite electrode at a scan rate of 100

mV s-1 and a potential window of -0.2~1 V. This improvement is due to the inherent redox reaction in HBU671. Cycle test

also proved that this new composite is still stable even after 1000 cycle within the applied potential window and it is highly

recommended for practical application.


Jeong H Park has his expertise in Organic Synthesis. He synthesizes novel organic compounds and tries to apply them to electro-material and other fields.

Jeong H Park et al., Biosens J 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4967-C1-003