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Volume 7

Biosensors Journal

ISSN: 2090-4967

Electrochemistry 2018

June 11-12, 2018

June 11-12, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on


Influence of the dopant concentration on photoelectrochemical behavior of Al-doped TiO


Anna A Murashkina


Alexei V Emeline

Saint Petersburg State University, Russia


itanium dioxide is the most extensively studied photoactive material since the discovery of water photo-assisted electrolysis

with titanium dioxide photo-anode. Materials based on titanium dioxide can be used in photocatalytic systems for

water and air purification, formation of self-cleaning and antibacterial coatings, in solar cells and sensors. Titanium dioxide

possesses a sufficiently high photochemical (photocatalytic) activity, good chemical stability and non-toxicity and low cost

of its production. In the present study we explored the effect of Al dopant concentration within the range <1.1 wt.% on

the photoelectrochemical activity of Al doped TiO


photo-anode. The experimental dependencies of photoelectrochemical

efficiency on Al dopant concentration indicate that there is an optimal Al concentration 0.5 wt.% corresponding to the highest

photo-activity. The analysis of the spectral dependencies of the photocurrent confirms that 0.5 wt.% of Al provides the highest

activity at photoexcitation in both intrinsic and extrinsic absorption spectral range. It was also shown that Al doping does not

affect the optical band gap of TiO


. The dependence of photoelectrochemical activity on Al concentration correlates with the

corresponding dependencies of the flat band potential and work function indicating the shift of the Fermi level toward the

conduction band for the Al concentration <0.5 wt.% and toward the valence band for the Al concentration >0.5 wt.%. Such

alteration of the Fermi level position is explained in terms of alteration of the type of major compensating intrinsic defects

for Al concentration <0.5 wt.% acting as shallow traps, to Al concentration >0.5 wt.% acting as deep traps. Transformation

of compensating defects from shallow traps which are ineffective in charge recombination processes to deep traps which

act as effective recombination centers is responsible for the optimal dopant concentration, 0.5 wt.%, to achieve the higher

photoelectrochemical activity of Al-doped TiO



Figure 1:

The dependence of IPCE on Al-dopant concentration at 365 and 420 nm.

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Anna AMurashkina has her expertise in the development and investigation of semiconductors for the solar energy conversion into the chemical energy. These semiconductor

materials can be used in photocatalytic systems for water and air purification, formation of self-cleaning and antibacterial coatings, in solar cells and sensors.

Anna A Murashkina et al., Biosens J 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4967-C1-003