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Volume 7

Biosensors Journal

ISSN: 2090-4967

Electrochemistry 2018

June 11-12, 2018

June 11-12, 2018 | Rome, Italy



International Conference on


Advances in non-aqueous oxygen electrochemistry, in connection to developing rechargeable Li and

Na –oxygen batteries

Aurbach D



Sun Y K



BINA - Bar-Ilan University, Israel


Hanyang University, South Korea


echargeable Li-oxygen and Na-oxygen batteries if successful and practical can rival internal combustion engines in terms

of very high energy density and enable highly competitive electrochemical propulsion for electric vehicles. These systems

however, are very problematic. So far, we do not have electrolyte solutions that are stable enough towards the active metals

and also towards the oxygen reduction moieties which are superoxide and peroxide species. These oxide moieties are reactive

towards all relevant polar-aprotic solvents, especially in the presence of Li ions, which are highly electrophilic Lewis acids in

aprotic solutions. Oxygen reduction in the presence of Li ions usually forms solid Li




as a final stable product. We can control

its formation and deposition mechanism through the properties of the electrolyte solutions, as mentioned in the attached

image. We can promote fast Li-peroxide precipitation as thin films on the cathode (bottom-up mechanism) or as thick deposits

(top-down mechanism). There is a dilemma what should be preferred, because fast deposition may mean low retention time for

side reactions (higher stability). Oxidation of Li-peroxide upon charging may require too high over-potentials which endanger

the anodic stability of the electrolyte solutions and cathode materials. We know today to overcome this problem by the use

of catalysis by redox mediators. We developed new solvents that can be better protected against attacks by oxygen reduction

species. We explored alternative anodes which should be less reactive than lithium or sodium metals. In order to explore

properly and optimize electrolyte solutions and cathode materials we developed a newmethodology in which Li or Na –oxygen

cells are explored with bi-compartments cells that completely avoid any chemical communication between the anode and the

cathode side, except Li or Na ions exchange. We will discuss the true practical horizons of these battery systems.

Biosens J 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2090-4967-C1-003