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Volume 6, Issue 8(Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal

Page 24


Digestive Diseases 2016

December 08-09, 2016



Digestive Diseases

December 08-09, 2016 Dubai, UAE

International Conference on

Reduced port TME

Ali Al Ghrebawi

Coloproctology Center-Haren, Germany


ost of the surgeons are now convinced of the benefits of the laparoscopic approach in colorectal surgery. The laparoscopic

approach for benign and malignant colon disease is safe, feasible and effective. More challenging is the adoption of this approach

while addressing colorectal cancer disease and maintaining oncological principles. After performing a standard laparoscopic surgery

technique in benign and malignant diseases for several years, we are now moving one step forward. The laparoscopic approach

was used for all benign and malignant colorectal diseases. To reduce the number of trocars and avoid a 5cm incision for specimen

extraction, we started to utilize the “Reduced Port” technique while dealing with rectal cancer. Performing the TME safely, respecting

all oncological principles whilst following the surgical guidelines of the European surgical societies, the OCTO-Port® was utilized

at the site of the Loop Ileostoma, which was marked before the operation. In addition, a 5mm Transport® trocar was inserted in the

lower third of the abdominal wall. The operation steps are generally equivalent to a standard Laparoscopic approach. At the end of the

operation, the specimen is extracted through the wound retractor of the OCTO-Port®, negating the need for an additional incision.

The anastomosis is performed with a Compact CS®. According to the latest and most relevant study, COLOR II which involved 30

Hospitals in 8 countries, along with our own study, we can approve the safety and accuracy of this approach in comparison with the

classic open approach when dealing with rectum cancer.


Ali Al Ghrebawi is currently working in Colorectal Surgery Department, Meppen-Germany.

Ali Al Ghrebawi, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016, 6:8(Suppl)