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Volume 6, Issue 8(Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal

Page 53


Digestive Diseases 2016

December 08-09, 2016



Digestive Diseases

December 08-09, 2016 Dubai, UAE

International Conference on

Imaging enhanced endoscopy: A practical approach

Lui Ka Luen

Tuen Mun Hospital, Hong Kong


mage enhanced endoscopy (IEE) is a combination of different advanced endoscopic methods which help to provide optical real

time diagnosis for the luminal lesions. Traditional biopsy may have a disadvantage of sampling error since biopsy usually provide a

small portion of lesion except the total excisional biopsy provided by small advanced excisional technique e.g, endoscopic submucosal

dissection. Methods for IEE in general included special lighting e.g, narrow band imaging or blue laser imaging, both optical or

digital magnification, chromoendoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound. Although different sites in luminal tract will have differences

in terms of interpretion of IEE. In general, the purpose of IEE is to provide an optical diagnosis for a specific lesion regarding of the

nature of lesion i.e., benign or malignant, and if the lesion is likely to have malignant component, the information about the depth of

invasion can be provided. The approach of IEE start with the macroscopic appearance of the lesion in term of the color, shape, surface,

consistency. The surface pattern and vascular pattern under the special light or chromoendoscopy are then observed to provide

more information of the nature of the lesion and depth of invasion. Endoscopic ultrasound can provide more details of the depth

of invasion. Good quality IEE is a must before any endoscopic treatment for the luminal lesion especially in the era of endoscopic

submucosal dissection for good case selection.


Lui Ka Luen completed his Graduation from University of Hong Kong in 2004 with distinction in Medicine. He became a Specialist in Gastroenterology in 2012 in Hong Kong

and awarded Fellow of Hong Kong College of Physician in 2012. Then, he further pursued his career in “Imaging enhanced endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound, endoscopic

submucosal dissection and submucosal tunnel dissection” in Japan under direct mentorship of Professor Takashi Toyonaga. He is now an Honorary Clinical Assistant

Professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also published paper and is an invited speaker in various local and international journals, conferences and meetings.

Lui Ka Luen, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016, 6:8(Suppl)