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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Dent Implants Dentures, an open access journal
ISSN: 2572-4835
Dental Medicine 2017
October 16-18, 2017
October 16-18, 2017 New York, USA
Annual World Congress on
Dental Medicine & Dentistry
Correlation of cd4 counts with oral and systemic manifestations in HIV patients in Gujrat
Puneeta Vohra
SGT University, Gurgaon, Haryana, India
IV infection is a major health concern in India. India has the third highest number of people living with HIV in the world with
2.1 million Indians accounting for about four out of 10 people infected with the deadly virus in the Asia Pacific region. There
are considerable regional variations in the oral manifestations of HIV infection, depending both on the populations studied and
on the clinical heterogeneity. The oral manifestations in Asian countries as compared to western countries and other developing
nations in Africa and Latin Americas are relatively different. The constraint of resources in Asian countries hinders the possibility
of providing an effective health care system. Though many studies have been conducted on oral manifestations in HIV, the research
in Asia is currently at a pivotal juncture as the existing research is getting repetitive. Currently, Asian studies predominantly
focus on prevalence of oral manifestations and assess their association with parameters of HIV infection, sociodemographic data and
deleterious habits. Hence a cross sectional study was undertaken among HIV population in western India, Gujarat with main focus
and objectives: 1) Evaluation and diagnostic usefulness of saliva for detection of HIV antibody 2) To calculate CD4 count of HIV
positive patients. 2) To evaluate systemic manifestations of HIV positive patients. 3) To detect oro-maxillofacial manifestations in HIV
positive patients. 4)To compare and correlate systemic and oro-maxillofacial manifestations of HIV positive patients with the CD4
count. Study population comprised of newly diagnosed 100 confirmed seropostive patients, before starting any antiretroviral therapy,
were included. Saliva of HIV positive patients was collected and was tested by ELISA by using special reagents and modifications
leading to detection of antibody in saliva. The oral lesions were diagnosed based on clinical manifestation using international criteria
and CD4 count was determined within maximum 1 week of oral examination. Oral and systemic manifestations of HIV positive
patients were recorded and correlated with CD4 counts. It was found that decrease in CD4 count is associated with a wide range of
oral and systemic manifestations which can be used as prognostic marker for immune suppression in AIDS patient. This study can be
very useful in epidemiological surveys, diagnosis and management of HIV positive patients.
Dr.Puneeta Vohra Associate professor in SGT University Gurgaon India since 2014. Received BDS degree form Himachal University India 2007 and masters from Su-
mandeep Vidyapeeth university Gujrat in 2010, India. Her main interest is evaluation of patients with HIV and has to her credit publications as well paper presentation at
national level. Presently she is associated with teaching undergraduate levels as well as guiding post graduates in Oral Medicine and Radiology stream”.
mithi7k@gmail.comPuneeta Vohra, Dent Implants Dentures 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2572-4835-C1-002