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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Dent Implants Dentures, an open access journal
ISSN: 2572-4835
Dental Medicine 2017
October 16-18, 2017
October 16-18, 2017 New York, USA
Annual World Congress on
Dental Medicine & Dentistry
Modified ILIB: The benefits of reactive C protein control of patients with chronic systemic pain (Case
Liciane Toledo Bello
Neomama Institute, Brazil
he Modified ILIB, is a modification of original therapy, which introduces a glass fiber into the blood vessel for emission laser
radiation. In the modified technique the irradiation is transdermical bringing benefits in realtion to the inflammatory marker. In
this case report, over three years, patient MSL, woman with eighty-one years, received ILIB, demonstrated seric lebes of the reactive C
protein, starting ar approximately 13 mg/l and gaving this index reced to1,38 mg/l two years later, without any cardiovascular events.
Liciane Toledo Bello has completed her Master Science in Dentristy. She is working in Dentistry Lasers since twenty years. She is a Clinical Director in the Dentistry depar-
tement of the Neomama Institute.
licianebello@gmail.comLiciane Toledo Bello, Dent Implants Dentures 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2572-4835-C1-002