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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)
J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism, an open access journal
ISSN: 2161-0460
Dementia 2017
October 16-18, 2017
October 16-18, 2017 | Rome, Italy
International Conference on
Interactions of intracellular amyloid beta peptides and biomarkers of Alzheimer disease in
cerebrospinal fluid
Zdenka Kristofikova
, Jan Ricny
, Zuzana Bednarikova
Z Gazova
National Institute of Mental Health, Czech Republic
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
deal biomarker of Alzheimer disease (AD) does not exist yet. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of amyloid β 1-42 (Aβ
1-42), τ and phospho-τ are often used standards (senzitivity > 85% and specificity > 75-85% are expected for a good
biomarker). We evaluated new biomarkers based on interactions of Aβ and its intracellular binding partners (mitochondrial
17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 10 (17β-HSD10) and τ) and on abilities of amyloid peptides/proteins to oligomerize/
aggregate. In young patients with neuroinflammatry diseases, no changes in Aβ were found. Increased concentrations of
17β-HSD10 were observed only in people with multiple sclerosis in later stages probably as a compensatory response to attacts
of immune system. In old patients with neuroinflammatory diseases, changes in Aβ (but not in τ/phospho-τ or 17β-HSD10)
were similar to those in AD. Results can be interpreted by age- and neuroinflammation-dependent alterations in extracellular
Aβ and a key role of Aβ in interactions. Changes observed in MCI-AD (Aβ, τ/phospho-τ, Aβ – τ complexes, 17β-HSD10,
thioflavinT-based to intrinsic amyloid fluorescence signals ratio) were similar to those in AD. Results suggest early changes
in intracellular Aβ and accumulations of amyloid peptides/proteins in the brain, in addition to increased oligomerization/
aggregation. Both fluorescences are probably based on different amyloid structures (ThioflavinT-based on oligomers, instrinsic
amyloid fluorescence on aggregates partly accumulated in the brain). Characteristic of new biomarkers of AD are as follows:
Aβ – τ complexes (senzitivity 68.6% and specificity 73.3%), 17β-HSD10 (80.0% and 73.3%), 17β-HSD10 – Aβ complexes
(66.7% and 68.8%), ThioflavinT-based to intrinsic amyloid fluorescence signals ratio (61.1% and 70.8%).
Zdenka Kristofikova studied at Czech Technical Univerzity in Prague (Ing., Department of Nuclear Chemistry) and at Univerzity of Defence, Faculty of Military
Health Sciences in Hradec Kralove (PhD, Department of Toxicology), both in the Czech Republic. She works at National Institute of Mental Health (as a senior
researcher and a head of working group) and is interested in Alzheimer disease. She has published many publications based on neurochemical analyses of the
human or rodent brain tissue (e.g. validations of various pharmacological and genetic animal models of Alzheimer disease) and of cerebrospinal fluid (evaluations
of new biomarkers of Alzheimer disease).
zdenka.kristofikova@nudz.czZdenka Kristofikova et al., J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2017, 7:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C1-033