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November 19-20, 2018 Paris, France



Global summit on Climate Change

Volume 9

Climate Change Summit 2018

Journal of Earth Science & Climate Change | ISSN : 2157-7617

Livelihood vulnerability due to climate change: a case study of Sirdibas

and Samagaun of Manaslu conservation area, Gorkha district Nepal


he climate change affects almost all the sectors of livelihood and is inevitable. At

the context, this study was to access the livelihood vulnerability in the context of

local climatic parameters and experience of locals at VDC level in two different VDCs of

Manaslu conservation area. A composite index approach was chosen to combine survey

data into single index. Method of calculating LVI is based on the Intergovernmental Panel

on Climate Change framework of vulnerability. Climatic data acquired from DHM were

assessed using statistical tools and focal group discussion, key informant interviews;

questionnaire surveys were carried out to collect information about impact of climate

change on livelihood. After calculations, results showed that Samagaun (-0.063) was

relatively more vulnerable than Sirdibas (LVI: -0.073). The trend analysis of annual

average precipitation showed that precipitation was increasing at the rate of 2.84 mm/year

at Jagat station and was decreasing at the rate of 2.02 mm/year at Larke station. Analysis of

temperature data showed that annual maximum temperature was increasing at the rate of

0.103°C/year and 0.08°C/year similarly annual minimum temperature was found increasing

at the rate of 0.06°C/year and 0.03°C/year at Chame and Gorkha Station respectively. Local

agricultural productions supported the denizens of Samagaun for 3-4 months and Sirdibas

for eight months. Apple and Mayal was reported flowering one month earlier, Karu was

replaced by Wheat 15 years ago due to high decrease in production. Production of potato

was decreasing, and heavy infestation of pest was also reported. In order to overcome the

situation, autonomous and planned adaptation practices are recommended to be adopted.

Improved variety of food crops and plantation orientation should be conducted in the area.

Drought and pest resistant varieties should be promoted, and delineation of landslide and

flood prone area is necessary. Slope protection measures should be adopted in high risk

zones and resettlement to safer areas should be done at Sirdibas. Further study should be

done to develop and weather forecasting system, early warning system and agriculture

technologies to cope with the negative impacts of emerging climate change.


Lokendra Bhatta has completed his Master’s degree in Environment Science from Tribhuvan University,

Kathmandu, Nepal. He is the Far Western Nepal Regional Representative of GeoHazards International, a

social development organization. He has worked in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Sector for

eight years in Nepal.

Lokendra Bhatta

Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Lokendra Bhatta, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C5-052