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November 19-20, 2018 Paris, France



Global summit on Climate Change

Volume 9

Climate Change Summit 2018

Journal of Earth Science & Climate Change | ISSN : 2157-7617

Activity concentration and annual effective dose estimation of







Cs in surface soil samples from southern Algeria


he level of radioactivity from naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)

depends on geological conditions and geographical locations. NORM may be present

in water, food, soil, rocks, concrete, and other building materials in considerable amounts.

The origin of natural radioactivity in rocks and building material is the earth's crust, while

the soils’ radioactivity often originates from soil minerals containing natural


U and



parent series and natural


K. Further sources of radioactivity in nature are technically

enhanced natural occurring radioactive material (T-NORM), mineral extraction facilities,

extensive use of phosphorus rich fertilizers in agriculture, releases from installations

of the nuclear fuel cycle, use and tests of nuclear weapons, and fallout from nuclear

accidents. The specific levels of terrestrial environmental radiation are related to the

geological composition of each pathologically separated area, and to the content of natural

radionuclides in rocks from which the soils originate in each area. Man-made radionuclides

have been introduced in the environment since the beginning of the 20


century, but more

significant since 1940 with the first nuclear weapon tests and after the 60s from a variety

of other nuclear activities. In the early 1960s, France conducted a series of nuclear tests in

the Sahara Desert of south Algeria. During these tests, radioactive materials were released

to the environment. Several observations of have shown that


Cs deposition reached a

peak of about 4.8 GBq/km


during 1965–1966. The radionuclides deposited on the soil

by radioactive fallout due to nuclear weapon tests or nuclear accidents can enhance the

radiation dose to human directly via external radiation and indirectly by ingestion of

plants which were contaminated due to uptake of radionuclides from soil through roots.

Understanding the mechanisms of sorption and migration of radionuclides in the soil and

their transfer into the food chain is necessary in order to reduce effectively the external

and internal exposure of human. The long-term transfer of radionuclides from fallout via

terrestrial pathways depends considerably on the residence time of radionuclides in the

root zone of agricultural and grassland sites. The radionuclides that are deposited in the

sandy soil of the desert are brought to the surface by the movement of the dunes and

could be re-suspended by wind. Some detection of high concentrations of


Cs and


K in

the Mediterranean area were related to winds coming from Africa. A high level dose can

cause deterministic and stochastic effects in short and long exposure times respectively.

This study determines the activity concentration and estimate the dose of 16 sand samples

collected from two different nuclear test sites. Radionuclides were determined in Algerian

soil samples from different regions where the highest activity concentration of


Pb was

detected for the highest value in sample three and the minimum value in sample eight,

the highest activity concentration of


K was detected in sample two and the lowest value

in sample 11 and finally, the highest concentration of


Cs was detected in sample 15

and the lowest value in sample 13. The soil surface and soil properties differently affect

mobilization of natural radionuclides.


Mohammad Nadri is an assistant professor in Physics Department, ENS, Algeria, from 2006 till now. Currently,

he is preparing for his PhD degree in Environmental Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Physics

Department, Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Thessaloniki 54124, Greece. He has completed his Master’s

degrees in Nuclear Physics from Physics Department, Baghdad University Iraq and Alexandria University

Physics Department, Egypt. His projects include: Development of Traditional Poultry Farming Sahara Young’s

People Algeria; Culture of Medicinal Plants Sahara Young’s People Algeria and Plant Medicinal and Asian

Vegetables in Algeria.

Mohammad Nadri

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,


Mohammad Nadri, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C5-052